Will AAS Square Jaw Up?

Bro neck is everything seriously no argument. Found a few images to prove this when I searched “big neck vs small neck” in my Google Images

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What Yuppie said about facial musculature is, I think, the biggest factor in facial changes of steroid users. cheek muscles become highly developed through the use of AAS over a long period of time. That can certainly change the appearance of the jaw without actually altering the skeletal structure.


I have a much longer ring finger than index finger but I still got diagnosed with hypogonadism at 21, I still have a below average jawline though. Testosterone did improve it a ton I’d say, that might just be me though idk

I wrestled in highsschool and did a bunch of bridges everyday my neck exploded went from 18 inches to 21-22 I look at before and afternoon pics I do look a lot more attractive!

Well shit if you got a 22” neck then I don’t think jaw injections are going to make you feel better in my opinion. Sounds like your already a masculine man

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Here’s before and after

This was years ago but remember I definitely got a lot more attention from woman my senior year vs junior

Bro I think you look fine I don’t think you need injections truthfully in my opinion, just lift hard and proper diet! Maybe drop body fat percentage? It may very well bring out the characteristics in your face and jaw that your looking for! Have you tried to cut down and get very very lean?

Thanks,Oh yah man I know I look fine. But yah I tried cutting down felt like my face got skinny and one of the main reason I don’t like cutting probably just loss of water weight! And I thought I had a decent jaw already so a bigger one would make me a real slayer!

Kaz has a lousy jawline.