Why Train Reps?

Robert–you need to get your facts straight. The type IIb/x (depends on author and species as towhich is used in the lit) fibers have, in fact, the most potential for hypertrophy of the categories. This well accepted by all respected strength coaches as well as supported in the literature. Further i am not aware of any literature in which the type IIb/x fibers are called “explosive fibers”. They are not. It may seem to you like i am splitting hairs but it is very important that you understand the correct terminology.

This is because, when you don’t, it lets people who know what is physiologically and biochemically happening know that you do not have a firm understanding of what is actually in the literature. There are two types of fibers, fast and slow twitch, with underlying subtypes based on the preferred substrate pathway and the speed with which ATP can be cleaved along with the time to fatigue. Along with this goes a differential capacity for sarcoplasmic retention, action potential transmission, and hypertrophy.

The type IIb/x fibers have excellent potential for hypertrophy.

To the OP–no problem with the question, but right now i am at work on,my phone. I’ll try to get to you tomorrow.

Robert, your last paragraph is definitely true regarding olympic lifting and other large portions are true as well, but you need to check your facts.

In theory, specificity is king and to get strong at 1rm oly lift, singles with the oly lifts is all you need.

If only practice was that simple. There are various other factors that play into this.

First, there’s adaption. No stimulus works indefinitely. After a while, singles in the lifts no longer present a big enough stimulus to make for gains. Most people aren’t strong enough that singles in the oly lifts present enough of a hypertrophy stimulus to keep gains, let alone make new ones.

Even the bulgarians, kings of specificity in oly lifts didn’t just do singles. They do daily maxes and then doubles triples etc for volume. They also add pulls, also more volume. Singles demonstrate strength. But they don’t build it that well. There will of course be exceptions to every rule. But most people aren’t the exceptions.

Second is recovery. Singles have a greater ability to cause injuries to the joints. They require much greater cns activation and mental stress. Higher rep exercises can help induce more hypertrophy in shorter time. Most people aren’t training 2 x day and 7 days a week.

Anabolics change a lot of this. People doing more anabolics can tolerate greater percentages. The soviets had a lot more volume at lower percentages back before the heavy anabolic era.

Thirdly is weak-link training. Very advanced lifters usually don’t have “weaknesses” like the less trained individual. Correcting weaknesses is best done with exercises that target those weaknesses. Usually the weakness is not lack of volume in the 90% range.

Bottom line is, people need more volume than can be achieved with just singles in the oly lifts, pulls and squats. Sure, other reps don’t maybe target that last 2% of fibers but that’s just not an issue.

Aragorn, I’ve just checked a book that uses the terminology i use, “Strength and Power” from Anselmi, IBSN 950-43-7504-9. The book is in spanish sadly. You can see the explosive fibers term in there. It makes the distinction between the fast twitch ones and the explosive ones. I do think you are splitting hairs since it’s terminology, but i appreciate your answers at the same time.