Why Me? Raising My Testosterone

Insert comment about more fats here. I’m sure you’d feel much better at 10% BF with great T than 8% BF and low T.

Also, your rep ranges are on the high end of producing hypertrophy, so I can see why others mention overtraining as a problem.

Heavy lifts, but not too frequent. 4-6 reps. Take ZMA, multivitamins, and Tribulus. Eat saturated fats, and lots of veggies and fruits. Eat a lot before sleeping.

Sleep naturally - whenever you’re tired and for as long as necessary. I can sleep 9 hours at night and still 2 more hours during the day before I finally feel fully rested without the assistance of caffeine.

Get sun or go to a tanning salon (limps wrist) regularly.

Don’t masturbate. Don’t come at all if you can withhold.

TRY these things, then research.

alright, this is my next step…I going to take the next week off and start a whole new year of lifting. I have started to read the new rules of lifting book and gaining mass by a.ellis to give me a reason to stay out of the garage.

I really love lifting, it going to be hard to not want to go in there and do something. I think I will start with three times a week easy with 2500k on my off days. Sleeping is a big problem for many people including myself, I cant wait to get out of bed. Thank you all for your great advice.