Why do we train??

Oh, an look good doing it.

I started training years ago because my friends started. They all quit but I’m still here, day in day out. At first, like all kids, I wanted to get so big people would puke when they saw me. I got big and I could move some heavy metal but I was, admittedly, fat, so I cut down 70 pounds. During the days of deprivation and willpower it finally dawned on me why I do this…it’s not all to do with looking good (hey, but it’s a big part), it’s not to do with the respect that you get from being bigger than the people around you…it’s to do with the fact that every day it is you against you and the triumph that’s involved in conquering yourself day in and day out. Every morning the battle begins afresh but it’s the true test of man on man. That’s why I train.

The weights themselves demand it. See iron by itself is typically lazy. It would just sit there year after year gathering dust not willing to move at all. Unless you or I or like minded people get it moving. Then and only then can weight reach it’s potential and have any real meaning. Otherwise ten pounds might as well be 400 pounds.

Strike that, I’m pretty much full of crap.

I train because I like being strong. Because I like knowing that I can squat and deadlift as much as all the guys I know…and for the shock value of picking up a guy I’m interested in and watching the expression on his face. I train to be different- not the average girl. Not that I don’t do my hair and like perfume and Victoria’s Secret, I do! But I don’t like to be weak, I don’t like to be fussy, and I’m not afraid of sweat and iron. I train because nothing looks better in high heels than bodyweight-squat produced calves and legs. :wink: I train for the fun of it, the love of it, and the results, dangit! :slight_smile:

i started training to train my appearance, now i am addicted to it like a drug. on my off days from the gym i fiend to grip the iron. i cant get enough. i get a natural high from it. i love the feeling of moving heavy weights, and i will never give it up.

I should also add…


Each and every single morning at the Gym, Victory.

It’s one fucking great way to start your day.

“The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile”

~ Plato

Because it’s what I do.

I train because I love it! I used to love basketball and my world revolved around it. One day I started worrying about getting hurt playing basketball and the effect that would have on my weightlifting and I determined that day I had a new love. That was 53 months ago. I haven’t touched a basketball since…

What else would I do?

Sure beats just drinking beer…wait…did I really just say that?

Because I hope to beat my wife at arm wrestling some day.

“I train b/c I’m a warrior at heart, with no battles to fight and no enemies to fucking smash, so I fight my battles in the gym”

It feels great to look good too, and make others envious!

I train for 2 reasons:

  1. We spend a shit load o’ time in school improving our mind so I think it is only fair the body gets the same attention.

  2. Because of the challenge! Week in and week out I break old (and set new) goals that once seemed impossible


Looks and sport.

but also for well being and fufilment.

The main reason I train is for health. I want to be as healthy as possible. Unfortunately that is not as motivating as thinking about looking good. I keep the image of a six-pack in my head. But right now I have convinced myself that working out is just like brushing my teeth, or taking a shower. (Although I don’t take layoffs from showers or brushing my teeth.)

I train for my sport… and then to look good… best of both worlds… after college is done i will just try to be ripped… right now im always trying to get bigger and stronger

Well I have done this thread kind of thread too many times. I do have a new reason to train. I train to improve my “Human Movement”. Also so that I am in tune w/ my body.

  1. I was an average build at school and used to get picked on a little.

  2. I have an addictive personality, you could call it that or weakness. I’ve been addicted to bad things in the past. But now my only addiction is training.

  3. I’ve always wanted to be “bigger” and strong.

  4. I enjoy it when people give you respect for being of a certain size and build.

  5. I do it for myself, my wife doesn’t particularly like me being muscly but she often says she’d rather I was this size than “average”. Other women like it which gives me a kick (not that I’d stray though, happily married with an amazing son…)

  6. The pump, burn and ache of your muscles. Makes you more aware of your muscle.


So I don’t have the energy to kill people.

I can remember exactly how it all began. When I was in middle school, I used to go to sleepaway camp every summer. I would always lose 20 or so pounds of fat, as the camp was all about sports. One summer I came home and I wasn’t any skinnier. One night, my father sat me down at the dinner table and made me eat those chewy granola bars and drink a couple of 2 liter bottles of coke. Well, needless to say, after about 16 granola bars and 3 or four bottles of coke, I finally threw it all up. Yes, my father is a horror of a human being, but he changed my life. Hell, it’s four years later, I have lost a total of 60 pounds, I went from about 238 at well above 30% body fat, and now down to 180 at about 12-15 % body fat…

So, why do I train, well, aside from the above story, I fell in love with a woman in high school, a woman who would never feel the same about me because I was overweight and never good-looking. And I swear, one day, she’ll be sorry…