Why Can't People Put Away Their Weights

[quote]Hallowed wrote:
I was really hoping this thread was about WEIners.[/quote]

Hallow are you trying to say something?

<— horny.

[quote]Hallowed wrote:
<— horny.[/quote]

I have nothing in reponse to this. You basically made me speechless.

As a trainer, I’ve ALWAYS provided a client with direction on fitness & nutrition but more so - GYM ETIQUETTE which oddly enough, many people don’t get or care about

-If you sweat a river - wipe it up.
-If the gym’s busy, dont be a dick & superset the entire gym.
-If someone’s using something ASK how many sets are left or if you can work in.
-Don’t take photos & video because not everyone wants to be in your internet thread.
And for gawds sake - PUT YOUR SHIT AWAY when youre done.

My favorite is when I have an older client & part of our 60 minutes together is spent unloading a leg press machine 14 plates deep.

Last night I used a nearby rack while I waited on a plate load machine. It was preoccupied by a kid taking a video of himself & his every waking thought of hacksquatting. I understand he is a ‘youtube 20-something’ trying to be ‘a pro’ of some sort. While I returned my weights he left his spot leaving his #500lb calf raise weights on.

Pissed, I chased him down asking 'Are you done?" and he replied :Yea, I left you my weights" not even feeling bad. My go to is “If youre strong enough to lift em you can put them back” which was unanswered.

I put this in the same place as a friend shitting on your toilet seat, leaving trash on a picnic table next to a trash can or cutting someone off on the road. Its lazy.

So to wrap my ramble;
Arnold & all of those pros these doucebags want to be or aspire to be as well known as, PUT THEIR SHIT BACK.

WHY? Because when you’re Ronnie Coleman squatting #800 youre also a dick if you make someone unload your bar.

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fantastic, that’s just the booster shot this 5 year old thread needed


I found this while trying to find a video of a pro talking about putting his weights back.
[Unless you’re Jay Cutler & you slug around while your assistant does it for you]

Seems like every day for the last few yrs I see an altercation over this shit.
Saw a large man tell a kid off today after he left chalk, shoes & his fully loaded [but never lifted] deadlift bar on the floor while he went off to hug some girl taking selfies.

I need to join Ben Pakulski’s gym, MI40;
Not allowed in if youre a noob & arent serious about why youre there.

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I want to know which one of you August Photo/Video Check-in ASSHATS is responsible for upsetting trainer13. FESS UP. @Yogi1, was it you? Because I see you’re being sort of cheeky about the whole thing.


oh yeah? And what exactly are you going to do about it, hmmm?

I’m reporting you to Ronnie Coleman.

::grabs popcorn and a drink::

IMO…the greatest compliment you can receive from fellow gym members is "I’ve never seen then ‘guy/gal’ leave their plates on the the ‘bar/machine’

oh fuck that would actually make me stop

Well, then, there you go.

People are extremely goal focussed. Banks used to pay a fortune remaking and sending out ATM cards as people would leave as soon as their money was spat out, leaving their card behind. Nowadays, there isnt a single ATM which gives cash before you take your card.

Personally, I always put plates away as I feel I will anger the God of the Pump if I dont. That said, I now have a home gym so I have to anyway.

Ha! Sucks having a miserable, disapproving gym manager looking back at you from the mirror.

Anyone remember that thread where Professor X argued something like he didn’t rack all of his weights because he used so many that it would basically be an extra workout for him?

Good times.

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Sorry, miss.

(you have to imagine me holding my hat in my hands and staring red-faced down at my shoes while I say that)

Rogue Vampire also said that he didn’t need to put his weights away because if you couldn’t lift them there was no point in you being in the gym in the first place.

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trainer13, I hope I/we haven’t run you off. I agree that it’s a real and very irritating problem. I just couldn’t resist the joke about the Photo/Video thread.

The idea of Professor X saying that he couldn’t be bothered, in fact, makes my blood boil a little. The self-appointed emperor of lifting! Jerk.

Those people are just lazy and inconsiderate. Also don’t have proper upbringing