Why Can't I Eat Like I Used To?

I was too embarrassed to ask sooner.

28, 5’11", 197 lbs, 17% BF

I’m into my 9th week of a standard 500mg/wk Test cycle.

I havent seen any nut shrinkage or any acne either. I fixed a slight puffiness problem with some Tamoxifen.
Other than that I havent had any water retention or anything else to speak of.

But I just cant EAT!! Atleast like I once used to.
My appetite took a nose dive in the sixth or the seventh wk. I havent been able to eat much other than may be in the mornings. Anything!!

BF was an issue so it was a lean diet of oats, flax, fish, egg whites and skimmed milk.

But since the appetite plummeted I ditched that diet and went junk overnight.

I’m talking greasy Carls Western Bacon burgers, Chipotle burritos, Beef Au Jus at Arbys, chinese buffets, steaks.

So downing a 3000 Kcal or a 4500 Kcal worthy of meals is out of the question.

I cant get to the bottom of this.

Should I make smoothies out of Ukranian pork fat?

Help me before I turn into a Texas Toothpick.

Force feeding sucks. The best thing to do is look up recipes of how people trying to bulk up keep their fridge interesting i know there are some on this site. For example Oatmeal with a scoop of vanilla protein tastes better. Peanut butter in shakes. Plan bbqs with friends where youll have plenty of chicken steak and other meats readily available at a fun event instead of fuck i have to eat this chicken again. If none of that works controlled labs has a product called black hole which is supposed to be an appetite enhancer. I never used it and dont know anyone who has but im sure it has some effectiveness. Good luck.

Try some injectable B12 of doses at 500 ED or 1000mcg EOD, it is a lot of pokes but you are only using a slin pin, so it shouldn’t be that bad. You can get it at calsvetsupply.com, if that address is wrong just google California Vetinary Supply its located in Arizona.

Others have said that Black Hole which is an OTC supplement helps as well, it suppossed to have herbs that mimic the actions of Cannibas (weed) however, I dont know first hand if that works. Eat as much as you can and then supplement with Muscle Milk or other bulking protein based powders. Good luck I hope this helps you.

Synthetek sells an appetite stimulator and inj B-12. Never tried either but they have very good reviews.

I have never been as hungry as when combining EQ and weed. Whoally crap, i just keep eating and never get full.

it is prob a little late in the cycle to add EQ though.

Yeah, way too late for Eq. I think 500 mgs of b12 is past the upper ranges of a high dose… do research into that before you just take someones advice on the internet. If you can, cannabis may be a good idea…