Why Barbells?

BBs do allow one to make smaller weight jumps normally.

BBs have been used for a long time, why do you think that is?

I think for some lifters barbells are great, but for many others they are not. I don’t think this guy is a total retard, I just think he doesn’t realize that some people can have great success with barbells.

While there are some movements that certain lifters should avoid; there are no movements that all lifters should avoid.

As many have posted:
1)Once the D.Bell weight gets heavy enough, there are issues with getting them in position to begin the lift.
2)Substantially greater loads can be managed with the bar.

[quote]elnyka wrote:
When was the last time that you have seen a worker pushing things simultaneously with each hand, with each hand independently acting on the other? Very rarely. It is not the preferred way to work.

Yes, barbell pressing might not be natural, but neither is hoisting two heavy objects independent of one another (considering that one arm is usually stronger than the other).

There are risks with any exercise, but it isn’t fucking quadratic equations either.

So considering that the human body was built to lift heavy shit in unison as opposed to isolated limbs, I’m looking forward to see a valid explanation of why a dumbbell press is more natural than a barbell press.[/quote]

Workers only move things with both hands because we have built things with flat surfaces. The rate at which we have invented things that need to be moved by manual labor has exponentially out raced our natural evolution. We are still built to move uneven things like logs and rocks. We evolved around the ability to use a tools to catch our prey and survive. One such tool would be a spear, which is a straight bar but only allows us to use it with one hand. Using both hands in unison is the preferred way to work simply because of this evolution of technology. Its a similar argument as to why we preach the use of dead lifts in any sound workout routine-- because picking heavy things off of the ground was the most natural movement.

“Hoisting two heavy objects independent of one another” is a smarter way to lift if you have a muscular imbalance, especially if you have your described issue of “considering one arm is usually stronger than the other.”

My 7th grade nephew is learning quadratic equations now. He hasn’t touched a weight yet in his life.

The human body really was not built to move shit in unison rather than with independent limbs. YES, every part of the body must work together to get shit done, but NO, most applications would not have had the human body moving a flat object with the chest with both arms equally spaced.

but that is just me arguing for the sake of argument. I understand both methods have their positives and their negatives. I myself am going to stick to the DB bench and lion cage fights

[quote]GetTheHIT wrote:
barbells allow for a greater load.[/quote]

I thought that would have ended the thread.

am i the only one that has a bitch of a time keeping my scapular in place and my upper back tight with DBs, i always try them then just say fuck it and switch to barbell bench, proper form powerlifter style bb bench is great on shoulders

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
for fuck sake[/quote]

I lol’d.

Who cares? If you see results one way and are not injuring yourself, do that. Isn’t that the point? Progressively loading your muscles for growth or strength, without injury?

You don’t see people running around with spears all day saying they are training their bodies, right? (Javelin throwers are training their sport, not bodies, btw)



It really depends on your goals, your body’s structure, and some other factors like spotters, and strength.

Db’s are going to build more stabalization and balance, but at the expense of heavy loading. You cant have both. Just as with single leg exercises, the more stablization an exercise requires, the less weight you will be able to use.

In an ideal world, with no contraindications to either one, you would use both DB’s and barbells.

Barbells have their uses: mainly with a spotter, heavier weights 1-5rm,

Db’s are a bit better suited to when you dont have a spotter, or are doing higher rep work, 5+ reps.

Keep in mind, that elite pl’ers dont do exclusively barbells, but do a lot of RE work with DB’s

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
I think for some lifters barbells are great, but for many others they are not. I don’t think this guy is a total retard, I just think he doesn’t realize that some people can have great success with barbells.[/quote]

Not a “total Retard” yes we must never forget the varying degrees of Retardation unless you live in one of the aforementioned states from another thread who are trying to abolish the word retard because it might hurt someones feelings.

[quote]Short Hoss wrote:

“New PR-Wrestled -3- fully grown male lions today. Feeling stronger.”[/quote]


Excellent Idea #1: HIT Lion Wrestling

It only allows one set till failure. LOL.