Why Attacks on Trump Don't Work

[quote=“Sloth, post:645, topic:217419, full:true”]

Well this is open to interpretation. Is a question posed in a debate more likely his real position or a written statement on his site?

So you’d send FBI over to arrest the women and children of terrorists…And you think this rather impossible and wasteful tactic would scare their wives more than their husbands and their friends potentially chopping off their heads and dumping them into the streets as a lesson for betraying their husbands?

Folks, we aren’t even close to talking about co-equal power sharing in the old household here…

I don’t understand what this means

I always love the “well, he’s a liar” defense of Trump. And that should disqualify him. The fact that you can’t even be sure about his stance on THIS.

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As opposed to who? Where is this paragon of virtue that you want to elect in his place?

You’re going to go arrest wives and children, right?

I would hold them sure. Didn’t the US arrest the San Bernadino terrorist family?

I’m actually more a realist now-a-days. I don’t need a paragon of virtue. Or, a candidate that necessarily checks off every single issue with me. But I won’t vote for a paragon of filth.

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And, then you’d do what with them? Indefinite detention until, what?

As long as you hold all other candidates to the same standard. I don’t particularly see him being any worse as any of the alternatives. And I don’t just mean hillary.

Also would you mind editing out that video you posted of the Trump comments? It’s messing my browser and continually asking me to download it.

Until the issue has been sorted. However long that takes. Could be a day could be months.

Huh. Ok, will do. Hold on.

Edit: Think it still shows up in your quotes of it, though.

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This is the culture created with the open door policy of letting muslims into your country Sloth.

Letting muslims into non-muslim countries is by and large one of the WORST ideas in recent times.

I would be extremely shocked if we have 662 bases around the world even if you including those within the United States


@therajraj how do you plan on arresting and holding the families of terrorist while simultaneous scaling the military back and cutting NATO funding and resources?

If he means bombing villages of the families then I don’t support that. If he means holding terrorist families on the US soil, I’d support that.

Okay. How do you plan on accomplish this while pulling troops, resources, and money out of Europe, The Middle East, and Asia? Isn’t that what you were advocating in this or another thread?

Just because you think it would be better in the “medium and long term:” does not mean you’d vote for her…of course not.

At least it is now out in the open and everyone is aware of why you’ve been doing all the Trump bashing. It was rather obvious that you’ve been dead set against Trump but not so much against Hillary. Now we all know.

You think she’d be better in “the medium and long term”

Got it.

It’s nice that after a barrage of 40 posts the truth comes out.

I’m saying for terrorist families presently located in the US