Whole Body + Gap: Methods/Zones/Contraction Types

Coach, in your recent article, you said the following…

But you can also use something like a heavy/light/moderate or a heavy/high-density/volume to reap gains from various angles. I find it more effective to include one form of training per session rather than trying to include several packed into one workout.

Any chance you could elaborate on what this could look like, specifically for type 3’s?

BTW, amazing work in getting as ripped as I’ve ever seen you. Not to mention, I’m guessing being as busy as you’ve ever been w/work and family. Truly outstanding and thanks for leaving us mortals w/zero excuses lol.

Using 3 whole-body workouts each emphasizing is the cornerstone of my “Omni-Contraction Training System”. A course sold on my personal website.

Essentially each of the three whole-body workouts focus on one contraction type. It doesn’t mean that you only do that part of the repetition, but you emphasize the eccentric, isometric or concentric component.

For example, Day 1 is the eccentric-focus day and can either use a slow eccentric tempo (4 up to 10 seconds) and a normal concentric or an eccentric overload (using weight releasers or something like the 2/1 technique).

Day 2 is an isometric-focus day in which we either use stato-dynamic sets (holds performed during the set, either at the beginning of the set, at the end of the set or as part of each repetition). Pure isometric methods like loaded stretching, overcoming isometrics, yielding isometrics and functional isometrics can also be used.

Day 3 is a concentric focus day which either uses a “normal” lifting style or pure concentrics (lifting from pins). It can also use heavy partials from pins.

These three days use mostly, if not exclusively “big lifts” to cover the whole body. Normally a squat, a press, a pull and a hinge (sometimes a unilateral lower body exercise too).

The fourth workout is the Gap workout and uses 4-8 “small exercises” to target individual muscles, normally either emphasizing muscles that do not get optimal stimulation from the big basics or exercises for muscles you want to develop more.

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Coach am I right to say that if you want to apply the omnicontraction system in a different format, like upper/lower or a body part split, you would implement more contraction types in a session?

Example upper body workout: first exercise: eccentric contraction/ second exercise: eccentric contraction/ third and fourth exercise: concentric contraction

Example back/triceps workout: first exercise: isometric contraction/ second exercise: eccentric contraction/ third and fourth exercise: concentric contraction

Something like that. Do you agree?

Coach, firstly, thank you for the reply, secondly, I apologize, I phrased the question incorrectly. What I mean to say is, I fully understand the “Omni-contraction element method as you’ve detailed it on here very well.

I was curious as to the other two methods you mentioned, heavy/light/moderate or a heavy/high density/volume day’s. I have a pretty decent grasp on how these would look given an upper/lower split, but not so much when applied to full-body and specifically a type 3 where higher reps, more sets and managing volume are concerned.

Thank you again for the reply as I always enjoy hearing your thoughts. And if you have this explained through a program on your site, please direct me to it as I’d be more than happy to purchase.

Yep, in the seminars I present an updated version that includes upper/lower nd bodypart split options (not present in the online course yet).


Thank you for sharing your answer via these slides. Even though you didn’t have to do that, you chose to and I appreciate that. You completely answered my question.

If I may be so bold to ask another one as I do believe this one is rather important: If you work with gen pop clients, when would you start to implement the omni-contraction system into their training regimen?

The client probably needs to have some basic parameters in check like good form and improved inter- and intramuscular coordination? Or maybe you would not use the system at all with gen pop?

I’m curious where you stand on that because I’m guessing your system is more oriented towards athletes and experienced lifters rather than beginners.

Well, honestly you can use it from the start.

Not all the omni-contraction methods require an advanced level. In fact, many of them will be beneficial for someone learning the lifts.

For example, squatting with a slow eccentric or including pauses during each repetition can make it easier to control and learn the proper movement pattern. It also speeds up motor pattern ingraining. Not to mention that it makes training effective without having to use mega-heavy loads.

You make a great point, I guess I just needed some extra clarification.

Using slow eccentrics for compound movements is becoming more common indeed.

I was doubtful about the isometric and concentric methods like prefatigue, tempo contrasts, 1 1/2 and all that good stuff because it requires a lot of focus to keep tension on the right muscles alongside paying attention to technique.

But it sure is a good way to increase mind muscle awareness, especially the isometrics for pulling muscles as you said many times over. Very effective for increasing mind-muscle connection.

As these different contraction types require more concentration, I guess you need to dial volume back as well as intensiveness (more RIR for beginners).

Thanks CT.

Coach, there are good examples for lifts like the squat/bench for using isometrics during those isometric days w/the Omni-Contraction method. Where do you like to use isometrics in the other big basic lifts that start w/the concentric phase first, such as deadlifts/dead squat bar, military press?

What do you think about splitting the fourth gap workout into small add-ons to the whole body days so that you can keep it 3 days per week?

E.g something like

A push variation
B pull variation
C legs variation
And then a short maybe 20 mins of a BB cycle

Monday chest triceps
Wednesday back biceps
Friday shoulders/abs/forearms etc

(Yes, intentionally left out additional legwork)

Yes, it’s an approach that I often use. Especially with athletes who need days to do conditioning and/or speed work.

Cool :slightly_smiling_face: thanks

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