Who Started Functional Training?!

7 years was a bit of a wait for this punchline dude.


Hahaha. I was searching for a different thread and this one came up so I put in my two cents I suppose.

I agree with some of this, and not so much on others.

“Functional” training is sometimes pretty lame, if that what you call doing squats on a Bosu ball or doing shoulder presses while balancing on a surfboard. But, if you consider functional training as specific to make you better at a sport, I don’t think so. For example, professional athletes in a sport don’t progressively work at heavier back squats or deadlifts because the time and recovery isn’t worth it. Basketball players may focus on depth jumps and football players on cleans, because these exercises have more direct carryover to their sport.

Boxers will do very little barbell lifting, and focus on bodyweight exercises because this is less taxing on them, keeps their bodyweight down, and is more conducive to quick striking.

The mentality that people are wussies who don’t do heavy back squats or choose other methods of working out is not a healthy one. To transfer your goals on to others is silly. There are plenty of people watching you put a heavy weight on your back, take two steps back, dip down and come back up and think “what a tool. Who would want to work at that?”.