The Game is Afoot (CL)

OK. I’m going to assume that you may be prone to shoulder injury like me. If you have shoulder joints like mine, be really careful to keep elbows in if you like training dips. Unfortunately, I can’t train dips or upright rows. I can press OH, but I need to keep my hands a bit closer when I’m training push presses or military press. Not in a big Y or Snatch position. @ Laying on a bench, horizontal pressing, I really like to neutral press DBs. I can Bench Press, but I have to be careful to keep my hands fairly close, and elbows in, PLer style. No flared elbows. Erg… I think we can still do most things, we just have to be more careful, make adaptations.

Awesome! I always feel like putting together Ikea furniture is like an IQ test. Same with that rack, I’m sure. Haha.