Which Method Should I Try?

I’ve been reading about EDT and doing 10 sets of 3 and now on here I just read an article about working every body part on each session. I’ve been lifting seriousely for about a year and I basically work one bodypart each session 5 times a week -Im 41 years old. So any suggestions on which method I should try -I’d really appreciate the input -thanks all

Well, this isn’t the answer you’re looking for, I’m sure, but…

Just pick one that seems to suit your goals. As you know, there are countless training possibilities. Pick a program and stick with it for a while, take note of how it worked, and then move on to something else. Eventually you’ll have a lot of experience with all types of training and you’ll be designing your own programs. Everyone is a little different, so there is no such thing as the “perfect” program.

Proceed with intensity and an open mind an the answers to your questions will appear.


All three methods will give you great improvements in size and strength.

EDT will give you more size than strength.

10 x 3 will give you more strength than size.

Total-Body Training should give you a good balance of the two.

How have you been training for the last 1-2 months, volume-wise?

Does it look like 4 sets of 8-12? 5 sets of 5? Generally, you should alternate high-volume, medium intensity (ex; traditional hypertrophy training, EDT, German Volume Training, or Russian Bear Training) with medium to low volume, high-intensity (5x5, 10x3, 8x1) if strength and size are your goal.

You probably already know this, but… The high-volume, medium-intensity 1-2 month phases build up muscle size by growing new fibers while the 1-2 month low-volume, high-intensity increase the new muscle fibers’ ability to handle higher loads through nervous system factors.

That way, when you go back to the high-vol, med-int hypertrophy training for another 1-2 months, you can use, fatigue, and thus stimulate growth in a greater number of muscle fibers.

Alternating these two methods also keeps your gains in both at the beginning of the “diminishing returns” curve and keeps you motivated because your gains are always good to great.