Which Bench Shirt

Santa is going to help my bench press.
I am looking into either a INZER PHENOM, High Performance HD Blast, a Fury, or the IPF Metal Bench. Im going to get a closed back single ply.

My back has a pretty tight arch, and I have long arms.I also bench low on the chest, right at the sternum, and push in a straight line from there. My difficulty is coming off the chest. Im benching a lousy 315 at 185 raw.

[quote]Mako1983 wrote:
Santa is going to help my bench press.
I am looking into either a INZER PHENOM, High Performance HD Blast, a Fury, or the IPF Metal Bench. Im going to get a closed back single ply.

My back has a pretty tight arch, and I have long arms.I also bench low on the chest, right at the sternum, and push in a straight line from there. My difficulty is coming off the chest. Im benching a lousy 315 at 185 raw.[/quote]

I would look at either the Inzer EHPHD or a Titan Fury. I have both, used the Inzer open back and it’s a good learning shirt. You can get very light weights to touch and it gives a nice pop.

The Titan is more hardcore than the Inzer. I just got mine and couldn’t get 345 to touch. But I’ve only used it in one session, haven’t really drove it yet.

From what I’ve heard, I wouldn’t go Metal just yet. I think it is for the more experienced and you may have trouble getting weight you can handle to touch.

Good luck and Merry Christmas!

For what you are desribing, you have two choices that would suit you best. The Titan F-6 will work much better for you than the Fury, it is designed for an arched bencher and its much easier to groove than the original fury.

The other option is the Inzer Rage X. The plain rage is not worth it, go with theRage X. Much better shirt. Its a little harder to use than the F-6, and also more expensive ($135 vs. $85), but it seems to give a lot more boost than what I have seen with the F-6.

The Phenom is an OK shirt, but if you get it, order the superneck option. The regular neck is weak, and I have seen many Phenoms tear right down the front.

I don’t know much about the metal shirt, I have only seen the pro-bencher and the viking shirt. The single ply doesn’t seem to have too many fans, at least that I have seen.

By the way, the blast shirts really won’t do much for you. They are very old tech, nothing even close to the new stuff. A single ply Rage X will likely add up to 100 pound to your bench, where you might only get 30 from a EHPHD Blast.


Thanks you 2 for the input. This sort of advice is invaluable because I dont have any one I can personally consult, and its not like I can just go to the store and try one on.
Im going to look a little more into the Fury, F6, and Rage X.

whats the difference between the “rage” and the “rage-x” ?

The Rage is sort of a basic, beginner’s version of the Rage X.

The Rage X is is much higher performance, but a little harder to use.

I am always working on improving my arch and have a pretty decent one for a member of the male population. I can arch over a 4" PVC pipe very easily.

Anyway, the thing I really like about my F6, as opposed to my Fury, is that it winds up behind my arms something fierce. When I firt got it I could not believe how hard it pushed behind the arms.

Contrast this with my standard Fury that is more like a sling shot The chest panel pushes like hell.

I am currently trying to find the right balance, through alterations, of push behind my arms and drive from the chest panel in the F6. I think that once I get it optimized, this shirt is going to be pretty powerful.