Where Does DC Training Fall in the Following Spectrum?

DC Training is primarily designed to build muscle. But that doesn’t matter in your case. Last month, you were “6’1, 179 pounds, 17-19% bodyfat”. You don’t need DC training to improve your physique.

In fact, it’s probably an outright bad idea to try doing DC training right now because you don’t need, and probably wouldn’t get through, the intensity the plan requires. Any of the programs that were suggested to you in your “I think I want to do steroids” thread would be a more appropriate place to start.

What will give you that type of look is getting your bodyweight up to a fairly lean 200ish pounds, squatting and deadlifting 405x5-10, benching 225x10-15, dumbbell pressing 100sx10-12, rowing 225x10-15, doing chins +90x10-12, and EZ-curling 115 for 10-12. Ballpark.

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