Where Do You Train?

I train at my Anytime Fitness that I opened last Oct. We’re open 24/7 and like the cat up top we get everyone from cardio addicts to bodybuilders.

I train at BodySmith, and if you are living in downtown DC, its a great place to work out with a trainer, if that is what you want. No monthly fee, you just buy a bucket of training sessions. You can use the cardio machines by yourself, but if you are working out, it will be with your trainer, which is fine because I want to work out with a trainer. By virtue of what it is, it is more older guys who can afford that kind of arrangement. I usually spend $625 every 5 or 6 weeks. I train with my trainer, then do workouts he gives me at my free gym at work. It’s what I am looking for-- I know not everyone would like this kind of arrangement, but I need the structure of having a trainer. The website is www.bodysmithdc.com

$625 every 5-6 weeks is insane.

Private training studio when I’m in the U.S. $465 = 12 sessions includes gym fee. Outside U.S. I have home gym. In Arizona I work out with my son at his home gym. I have not left the States for a year now and have noticed good progress. Planning to be in my first competition in Sept.