Where Do You Need Improvement?

That Dreaded NI

Not talking specifics like “need bigger tris” or “deadlift stalls at the knees”. Wanted to think more in the bigger picture, take a step back and give a critical look at the principles or ideas that you, individually, need to work on to really improve.

I recently realized that, even though I know better, my instinct is to put full ROM on a pedestal and still kinda see partial reps as “lesser”. It’s a hard-reaching rationalization to see someone moving heavy weights or banging out tons of reps and think “Pfft, yeah but if they went those last couple inches of ROM, their numbers would drop a bunch.” Such a catty and unproductive thought process, but it’s still there most of the time.

What do you think you could work on?

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Patience. I beat myself up when it comes to failure.

Also, being obsessed with calculating what my one rep max could be. I mean I’m getting stronger and stronger on this program I’m running right now. Now I’m questioning if there’s even a point in going on a peaking program to see the maximum weight I can lift. It’s not like I’m gonna compete and my goal is to get stronger. It kinda seems like a waste of time the more I think about it.


Drop the alcohol, drugs, better nutrition.

Going less hard in the gym from time to time






Consistency in training. I could blow up.

Being open to other training methods.

decision making. risk tolerance.


Variety…sometimes I get stuck on a routine that I like too much and forget to change things up

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For real. That’s a hard balance to stick with what works but not stagnate in a rut

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Getting more out of less volume. I’m intentionally limiting my sessions to 45 min lately.

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If my sessions go over an hour I feel like they took too long. I love shorter sessions.

More focus on meal prep. Breakfast now dialed in though.


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Balance, perspective and listening to my loved ones.



If you need this then fk me we better add it to everyones list. LOL


Be more realistic in my own training.

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I’ve got to get my consistency back. It’s been a week and a half since I meal prepped and hit the gym regularly. Life, work, and sickness have been cruel to me.


My love for pizza, cheeseburgers, fries and beer is keeping my abs from ever seeing the light of day.