Where Do I Go From Here? Desperate Cry for Help

I have to trick the system to convince them that my dick is completely numb, scrotum is tight, eyes are fucked and no libido? Damn this worlds fucked.

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Also, disregard what I said about zinc since it can sometimes act as a weak AI and may lower your estrogen further. I’d look into getting your hands on the others in my list though

Yes, because symptoms are pretty subjective, blood tests are not. Rightly or wrongly, most doctors will treat based on numbers.

Your T is normal. Actually pretty good, hence they won’t start by prescribing that. In your position I would be hesitant to go on TRT anyway.

You’ve suffered unsympathetic doctors and doctors who ignore your symptoms. Say you go on TRT, think the doctors suddenly change? A lot of guys struggle for years to get the right dose and overall protocol.

Say you get given a mild dose, your natural T production that gives you 600 shuts down, now say your TRT dose only gets you to 600. We’ll now you are on TRT, with shut down testicles, and your problems will be exactly the same. 600T converting to 200 DHT. Now you have limp dick and small balls.

Try fixing the underlying issue directly before you jump to TRT

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hey joeviv10 ,
All your symptoms: unquiet leg! , weird sensations on extremities, and others that u describe, point to a severe deficiency in B12 and B complex vitamins.
You need Nutricional East edit (nutritional yeast) . Try 2 full spoons right after every meal.
Grass feed cow liver 3 times a week. do that for a weak and tell us. gl

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I believe he intended to type nutritional yeast.

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I have had my b12 tested and it came back within range. However during this 6 month crash diet I cut out all eggs, milk, yogurt

Obviously have included them back for the last 2 years. I am going to start drinking beer and soy milk I think to try and increase my e2.

You can lead a horse to water

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relax I am trying to soak up as much info as possible. Possible treatments. I will definately try the Nutritional yeast but doesnt it make sense to try and fix the things that are below range first? Like my low e2 and low dht?

I didn’t suggest nutritional yeast. I simply stated there was a typo.

Correct your dht in tandem with eating a surplus or calories with some beer/alcohol. When your dht increases, your estrogen will naturally follow suit. Avoid the soy milk.

Also understand that even on the right path, recovery may take months.

And don’t tell me to relax. I’m trying to help out of kindness. I don’t need to if it’s not appreciated.

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Its appreciated but I thought you were aiming the “you can lead a horse to water
” at me as I keep posting despite all the “answers” I have been given. Recovery may take months. Its been over 2 years now so I am getting frusturated.

I said “on the RIGHT path, recovering might take months”. You likely haven’t been on that path.

You also may not recover at all naturally and may need trt.

can you please go into more detail

I have these weird sensations in my thighs/shins/legs. Like a static, feeling very hard to explain. But I also have a leg emg that confirms loss of motor neurons in boths legs.

I stopped eating most b12 foods during the 6 month diet (poultry, eggs , milk) however for the last 2 years I have included them back and the b12 test was normal in range. (high end of range)

the weird feel begins in the end of the 6 months ?

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I had an electromyography by my neurologists and it’s what got me covered for TRT, I didn’t even need LH and FSH to get TRT covered by insurance. I had these strange electrical sensations in my shins and legs for several months after starting TRT, now these sensations are gone and I’m getting stronger.

im not on trt,

my symptoms all started from a crash diet 2.5 years ago. I stopped the diet in december 2016. Symptoms remain

no erections morning/spontaneous
genital numbness
low semen volume and force
dry tired eyes
lost ability to emit body odor like male
no sweat in armpits or genitals
strange feel in legs, like the blood vessels are narrow or something.
bad oxygen feeling (shortness of breath)

Maybe it’s not due to the diet? Maybe a sickness raised its ugly head during the same time. I hope you find a solution friend.

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have you looked at my blood test results?

I read the entire post and your low in certain levels. I would schedule an appointment with a Nutritionist to see what they think about your situation. Stay strong and don’t quit.

I would say I had an eating disorder, I was constantly worried about how much calories I was eating, and burning etc. But when my genitals went numb , and erectile dysnfunction set in, I knew It was time to smarten up. 2 years later after gaining the weight back plus a few extra pounds, my situation is not any better?