When to Do GPP?

I’m doing a 4 day push/pull split, resting on Wed. and the weekend. Should I do GPP on one or two of my rest days? Or should I do nothing on my rest days and do GPP on training days?

Both work. It comes down to personal preference. I like GPP on my off-days, because it keeps me active and lets me have a ‘workout’ to focus on each day.

[quote]Tomachicken wrote:
I’m doing a 4 day push/pull split, resting on Wed. and the weekend. Should I do GPP on one or two of my rest days? Or should I do nothing on my rest days and do GPP on training days?[/quote]

GPP why? General physical preparedness… to be prepared for what? If you’re referring to mildly-intense cardio with the goal being fat loss, then sure, you can do it on training days.

If it’s less intense work, you can use it on the off days as an active recovery (but I still like to keep one day of zero activity and actual, literal rest.)

If it’s conditioning for a sport, I’d probably just do it on the non-weight-training days.