What's up with it Vanilla Face?


Thanks DJ for killing my last log with the FOCKER!

And thanks to all my peeps for their comments, advice and support.

The title comes from another favorite movie and, at work, Im one of the few white guys.

Theres so much ragging on each other’r races and nationalities, so I have the moniker big vanilla face…from the classic Borat movie…its all about not taking yourself so seriously. Life is hard enough as it is you gotta be able to laugh at yourself, and there is plenty to laugh at with me.


first one in Matty’s house!

Ha! Funny

Damn, you fill up logs fast!



vanilla face- I was always blanc- white in haitian

Ha classy Kev!

Did some retail therapy and re-bought some inzer wraps (because the ELite FTS wraps never came I finally asked them to refund my money) some Spud straps and some TK Knee/Elbow sleeves.

I was going to purchase some Rehband sleeves but 65 bucks for a pair is waaaay to steep for me. I also bought some MSM for ma aching joints…all decked out and no where to go.

GeAR whored out!!

knee wraps would annoy me-

the rheband sleeves are too $$$
I am looking for like apt elbo wnd knee sleeves or something close

you know something I can loose on like day 2 of owning.

I <3 your dog.

That is all.

Oh my another log!! Mr. Popular is right!

Retail therapy is right up my alley! I had a little post-meet adrenaline shopping, whoops!


Total gear slut! Just my kinda guy!

New log - woot woot! I’ll be following.

I’ll bet teh elite fts wraps were back ordered. Did you order the all blacks?

My inzer knees sleeves have served me well and I’m going to be ordering elbow sleeves today for all the damn pressing I’m doing.

So how about a video of you squating 405?

what about these?


[quote]mom-in-MD wrote:
what about these?

I have TKs and think they are excellent. Only ones I’ve used so I can’t compare them to anything else.

Got to start out this one right.

[quote]Derek542 wrote:
Got to start out this one right. [/quote]

In for the lulz

rehband, at half that price

plus coming from the Gillingham’s, who are awesome people


I give up. What’s Zumba?

zumba is like watching magic

[quote]cavalier wrote:
I give up. What’s Zumba?[/quote]