What's the Big Deal with Partial Lifts?


Anybody use these methods? Good idea?

Yeah they’re great.

After listening to the ATG squat crowd for a year, I had problems with integrating them in my workout, but I did and had good results so far.

This 5 stars article by CT is always a good read for strength gain:


[quote]CPerfringens wrote:
Yeah they’re great.

After listening to the ATG squat crowd for a year, I had problems with integrating them in my workout, but I did and had good results so far.

This 5 stars article by CT is always a good read for strength gain:

http://www.T-Nation.com/article/bodybuilding/beast_building_part_1&cr=bodybuilding [/quote]

well just because you do one doesnt mean you halt the other completely.

i train RDLS i train RackPulls but i still do Conv Deads, they all have their place for whatever goal it is youre after and besides from a purely satisfactional standpoint it feels good to do the full ROM of something with heavy weight because then NO ONE can bitch or nag about it.

I usually think of them helping as a tool to get through a sticking point of a lift.

If there is a certain spot in the ROM of lift that slows you can work on partial lifts in the same ROM.

I hope that makes sense… wording is not the best.