What's Better, the Implant or the SubQ Injections?

Please read the stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

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Do not start TRT before:
LH/FSH lab work
Discussion with doc re shrinking testicles and real risk of infertility.

TRT causes LH/FSH–>zero. To prevent damage to the testes, you need to inject 250iu hCG SC OED. Terminology explained in the advice for new guys sticky.

E2 needs to be managed near E2=22pg/ml for optimal mood, libido and fat loss. This is done with ~ 1.0mg anastrozole per week [oral]. Anastrozole is a competitive with T, thus needing steady T levels for anastrozole to work against. Pellets create highs and lows over a period of a few months making E2 management impossible to get right. Optimal is self injected T twice a week.

You need to understand these things because very few doctors do.

You need to diagnose the cause of your low-T which at your age is symptom and not the disease. Almost all doctors get that wrong. You need to seek the cause and address the cause(s) if possible.

We need labs with ranges and the info suggested in the advice for be guys sticky.

Your diagnostic and treatment options vary by where you are located. Please indicate where you are.

Was your prolactin high? Taking Dostinex for that?

Endos are deservedly known as the worse for TRT intelligence and urologists are a bad option as well as they never have your overall wellbeing in mind.

Labs with ranges:
fasting cholesterol - could be too low
fasting glucose

Please reread this post a few times as we typically see guys only picking up on a few points.

Also, thyroid function seems to affect T levels as secondary hypogonadism. In this case, thyroid labs do appear normal because the “normal” ranges are deeply flawed.

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