What's Better for the Muscles?

Is it better to get a deep tissue massage by someone once a month for upper and lower body, or is it the same thing as foam rolling everyday? and is one better than the other?

This is excluding doing thorasic extensions etc on the foam roll, because i don’t think they would do stuff like that at the massage.

What are your thoughts?

Also want to say I’ve never been to a deep tissue massage person lol
Sometime’s I don’t know if I’m getting benefits from foam rolling, and I think it’d be better to just get the real deal cause I am very serious about my training.

Both imo.

You roll in between sessions as a way to maintain the work they did.

if you can only afford a good session ever 1-2 months then foam rolling (or pvc, tennis ball, soft ball, etc) rolling is between sessions is optimal.

I have a guy that’s pretty cheap so i can go a few times a month, for pretty short sessions but I STILL foam roll between them and it’s probably the best decision I’ve made since i decided to have a post workout shake…

Probably never going back on it as long as I can…

I’m more flexible, less sore, recover faster, stronger, injury free, and plus taking fish oil regularly my joint’s don’t “pop” unless i hyper extend them.

[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
Both imo.

You roll in between sessions as a way to maintain the work they did.

if you can only afford a good session ever 1-2 months then foam rolling (or pvc, tennis ball, soft ball, etc) rolling is between sessions is optimal.

I have a guy that’s pretty cheap so i can go a few times a month, for pretty short sessions but I STILL foam roll between them and it’s probably the best decision I’ve made since i decided to have a post workout shake…

Probably never going back on it as long as I can…

I’m more flexible, less sore, recover faster, stronger, injury free, and plus taking fish oil regularly my joint’s don’t “pop” unless i hyper extend them.


Good answer. Foam rolling I believe can give some dimishing returns so tennis ball rolling is also good to add, but this is only really a substitute for a real massage. My Mum knows about 101 different types of massages so I’m pretty fucking lucky in that regard.

And yes, the real thing is alot better.

Do I have to foam roll everyday? Or can I just foam roll 2x a week or even 3x a week? Cause I don’t have the time to foam roll everyday. I work full time, train with weights 4x a week, fight training 5x a week at the club. Prepare meals. And I need 8 hours sleep.

Plus I stretch everyday. So if anything can I just do it 3x a week and it would be sufficient, 3x a week lets say 20min session (do the whole body, and work more on the tender parts) do I really have to do it everyday? Would I really get a better benefit if I did it everday opposed to 3x a week?

I will be getting a massage once a month for sure.

Thanks, all advice greatly appreciated.

dude…take 10min… and foam roll as much as possible you dont have to do it for an hour or something. Like you said just the parts that you feel need the maintenance. Do it 10min before you stretch… get your massage once a month. For the reward you get it’s really not that much…

Foam roll AND tennis ball/baseball regularly. A baseball is the next best thing (for me) to a proper massage. No-ones putting a gun to your head and saying do it for an hour each day, just do it often and particularly when you’re hurting or your mobility sucks.
It’ll mean that when you do see a deep tissue person you won’t be totally fucked up and need to see them several times.

Deep tissue work is definitely better, but doing stuff on your own means you walk out of there “fixed” or you walk out of there merely less screwed up.

alright it makes sense, thanks. I’ll get on it lol