What to Eat Before and After GYM?

I am very confused about meal which should I take before gym for maximum performance. And after gym for muscle recovery. And I have just started workout .
Age = Almost 19 years old (just 2 months left)
Weights = 66 kilograms
Height = 5 feets 7 inches

My morning eating routine, which I don’t recommend, is egg custard before the gym and gainer and oats with a pint of whole milk afterwards.

It would probably help people point you in the right direction if you described your goals and what type of workout you do.

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What time do you hit the gym amigo?

Evening at 5:30 PM.

Decent amount of carbs and protein an hour or so before, and as soon after as you can manage. Something like 50-75 grams carbs and 30-45 grams protein in each meal would probably do the job.