What Program Should Someone Follow for Arms?

Bodybuilders place size over strength and powerlifters put strength over size. Training for either one will yield results on both ends, but training as a bodybuilder will probably get you there in a quicker/more optimal way, if size is your main goal.

The goal of my brother is to build the arms like the guy of the photo Who uploaded. How he Will do it?

The guy of the photo have hypertrophy big size on his arms strength what?

soā€¦ you didnā€™t do 5/3/1

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Well, are you planning on training everything, or just your arms?

all body train my brother. But what should do my brother for build the arms like the guy of the photo?

I said above that I did use 5/3/1. I used it exactly as written with the original volumes and loads, and also used boring but bigs. It was always too light, and I never felt as though I got enough from the main portion. I learned that it is a common issue, and a fix would be to add some volume as well as getting rid of the training max.
So yes, I did run it 5/3/1, but then I ran a variation after some months of being on the base program.

Chin ups with a 2 second pause at the top and a 4 second eccentric. A few sets of as many reps as possible 2-3x/week

Only that!

Only that?

If youā€™re referring to the + set, thatā€™s autoregulation at its finest. I rarely felt fatigued after my + set. Iā€™ll admit that it seems counterintuitive though since it was an AMRAP.

Adding assistance volume to focus on weak points is a viable strategy, thatā€™s what I did. But where did you hear the idea that getting rid of the training max is a good idea?

How many months is some? It took me about 3 months before I got to weight that seemed heavy, but by then, I was much stronger and was able to rep my old 1rm. It takes time

Your brother can do whatever he wants to grow his arms. Curls get boring after a while, and Iā€™m assuming heā€™s tried the many different curl variations. Barbell, cable, dumbbell, hammer curls, etc. Thereā€™s a legitimate bicep curl variation for every day of the week. Chin ups are one of my personal favorites and manipulating the amount of time under tension with slow negatives and pausing at the concentric peak is a good way to ensure that youā€™re getting the most out of every rep.

You mean the guy of the photo have grow his arms?

If you are looking for a full body program, then there will be several answers for you.
If you are new, it is best to stick to basic movements.
I would suggest a push/pull/legs split.
Push day
Bench press for 5x8@75% (alternate between flat and incline)
Dumbbell fly for 3x12@65%
Dumbbell Overhead Press for 3x8@70%
Dumbbell Lateral Raises for 4x10@65%
Cable Presses for 4x8@70% (altering between that and 4x15@60%)

Pull Day
Pull ups/chin ups for 30 total reps (add 5 every successful week)
Lat Pull Downs for 5x10@65% (alternating with Barbell Rows for 5x6@75%)
Rear Delt Flys for 5x15@60%
Barbell curls for 4x8@70% (alternating with 4x12@60%)

Leg Day
Back squat for 5x8@70% (alternating with 5x6@75%)
Leg press for 4x12@60%
Lunges for 3x12(total steps)@60%
Straight Leg Deadlifts/Deadlifts for 4x8/5(respectivly)@70%/75%(respectivly)
Calf Raise for 5x12@60%

Always use good form, use negatives in every rep (except for deadlifts), and add 5-10 lbs after every successful workout.
It definitly isnā€™t the best, but it was made on the spot.

The AMRAPs were a form of autoregulation and I agree with them. I had no problems with them, except for the fact that you always achieve beyond what is prescribed, which somewhat undermines the rest of the work since it is the only set that you actaully do any reasonable work. I added volume total because of the light loads. They were still sorta light for the volume that was used without the training max though, so that was my reason for more volume. That and volume drives hypertrophy more so than strength. They are both useful and add to size, but volume is more important. I learned that from several formula posts from years ago, and it really helped a lot.
It was years ago when I ran it, but I would say I ran the base program for about 6-7 months. It was at least 5, but I would feel safe calling it 6.

Agreed. You said you tried BBB? How did you like your results? Iā€™m about a month into a 2-3 month bout of BBB and it seems to be working pretty well so far.

Thatā€™s how long I ran it, too. It took a while for strength gains to appear, but once they did, they didnā€™t stop (for squat at least). I got bored/wanted to find something that would be more beneficial for my bench, so I switched

Can you give a full body program? This program Who gave me for what goal is it?

Well, thatā€™s a gymnast so try gymnastics.

BBB was necisary for the program, but a good program aims to get you results as quickly as possible, and BBBs didnā€™t do that.
The issue with BBBs is that it is a set rep/set format, and different muscles require different loads and volumes for it to grow as quickly as possible.
Another issue, but a much smaller one, is how our bodies work. We can obviously train for strength and hypertrophy at the same time, but for us to reach our goals we have to adapt to the rep ranges we use since our muscles have different fuel sources. A great example would be the biceps. When we train biceps for rep ranges around 12-15, we use ATP, ADP, then glycogen deposits as our fuel. When we are training in the 5-8 range (still just reffering to biceps since these ranges are different for each muscle) we use ATP and an extremely small amount of ADP. It is minor, but switching our fuel terminal fuel source constanly doesnā€™t allow us to be more efficient with it while staying in that same range does. So having sets of 5 at most (disregarding the AMRAP) then changing to sets of 10 doesnā€™t allow our bodies to get used to using that fuel. This is important, because you cannot improve as well without being used to it. You have probably seen this somewhere. When you were a noob, your lifts were extremely low when compare to now. Back then, they were low af and jumped very quickly. You probably didnā€™t see much growth for a little bit either. That happened kind of like your strength did. It came up out of nowhere. The reason why that happens is because you have then gotten used to the movements, so true progress could be made.

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To grow everything at a basic level. You will see growth if you include diet into what I gave you.