What NOT to Do If You Have Anterior Pelvic Tilt

I have been reading through some very helpful threads on anterior pelvic tilt that have to do with mobility, flexibility, core strength, etc, and I have a whole arsenal of stretches and drills I do to increase the range of motion of my hips, but I also do a lot of stretches that just simply feel nice. Does anyone have any stretches, exercises, or movements that they think SHOULDN’T be done in a corrective program?

Eh I lean more to posterior tilt so I have to do things a bit differently but these articles have helped out.

Stuart McGill and Gray Cooke are great sources of information. Cressey and some of the other guys here are too. McGill is my favorite source for anything related to spine and “core” problems.

don’t stretch your hamstrings…they are already in a perpetually lengthened state due to the tilt . If they are tight, the way to correct this is to correct the tilt and stretch the hip flexors. I am certainly not an expert; however, when I was new to lifting about two years ago I was given an initial postural eval indicating that my ASIS was over an inch and a half lower than my PSIS. Within a few months I corrected it to neutral position, so I’ve been through the same thing.

Wow, i religiously stretch my hamstrings every time i stretch my hips, should I really cut this out? I am also a college lacrosse player so do you think that would open me up to a possible injury? Thanks for the advice I’m all ears.

the trainer who helped fix my tilt has a fitness blog. he had 3 entries dedicated to atp…here they are:


Part 2 specifically addresses what he did with me. He specializes in hips and lower back actually. I still warm up my hamstrings every time I lift with leg swings and walking lunges. I stopped static stretching them, though, as that is geared towards lengthening the muscle…which for those of us with APT is counterproductive.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:

[quote]jskrabac wrote:
don’t stretch your hamstrings…they are already in a perpetually lengthened state due to the tilt . If they are tight, the way to correct this is to correct the tilt and stretch the hip flexors. I am certainly not an expert; however, when I was new to lifting about two years ago I was given an initial postural eval indicating that my ASIS was over an inch and a half lower than my PSIS. Within a few months I corrected it to neutral position, so I’ve been through the same thing. [/quote]

Good, now all you have to do is figure out how to buckle your belt a bit tighter.



good one…I was taking periodic pics over the summer documenting my fat loss progress, I was just trying to be thorough as lower abdomen was where I was storing alot of it…so yea…little lower elt line than usual

Thanks jskrabac, very helpful.

There is something about the physiology of APT that confuses me…

When a person is at the bottom of a squat or deadlift – and the back is
under the most pressure – there is a deep crease at the hip;
the hip flexors are short in that position. It is only when standing
(and when there is considerably less lower back pressure) that the flexors
might be pulling the front of the pelvis down.

I’ve definitely experienced that regular hip flexor stretching helps
reduce or eliminate my lower back pain when deadlifting.
But I still don’t get why.

Glad I found this thread, I’m getting my NASM-CES and have been reading all about this topic because it applies to myself. The way my textbook describes APT is that you’re glutes are generally under-active, this gets compensated for by over-strengthened psoas and other anterior hip muscles.

I’ve found my hamstrings have always been extremely flexible, I have always found various hip flexor stretches helpful.

"Yeah, NOT hyperextending the lumbar spine is the first skill to learn.

Once you have progressed, the goal is NOT to move out of spinal neutral."

When you say hyperextending the lumbar spine you mean over-rounding?

Here’s a quick DL video, what do you think of my back position here?

Notice the idiot doing karate in the backround, lol.

Yeah, I meant arching not rounding – I understand what you’re saying, I definitely need to address my APT before it causes lower back or knee injury.

I don’t agree that with APT, glutes are always under-active, and I certainly don’t agree that the psoas is “over-strengthened.”

The psoas can be locked into a preferred joint angle, a bit of flexion. It can still be extremely weak everywhere else in its ROM.

Hey jskrabac, those links take you to a pretty wordy blog. I did find something shorter actually from the same guy on a different one of his blogs that was much more helpful. Apparently he’s writing a book. Fixing Anterior Pelvic Tilt: Postural Limits for Fat Loss