What is TRT and What is NOT TRT

[quote=“tareload, post:1, topic:277585”]
TLDR (great suggestion by @kazuya_mishima1):

Danny and the TOT folks are mistaken to put it politely with respect to pharmacokinetics and dose response of injectable exogeneous testosterone. They act like it’s some mystery how you will respond to injectable testosterone. It really isn’t and we can put a very confident estimate on it. Many guys running TOT protocols (150+ mg/week) are way above physiologic levels all week long 24 hours a day. Read on if you’d like to understand with an example in excruciating detail. Pay attention to numbers thrown out there. Are they peak or trough? Learn the basics of pharmacokinetics so you can inform yourself about TOT World before you go that route. Then at least you can give informed consent before you embark on their large uncontrolled science experiment that they themselves will admit has an uncertain long term result.

I reached way back for you guys. 1970s-1980s back when we had REAL men.

Don’t say I never gave you anything:




Circadian rhythms in plasma levels of cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone, Δ4-androstenedione, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone of healthy young men

Check out subject III


Look at subject SFD…

daily variation of the max TT levels…

Now let’s go back to this plot:

Where do you think these numbers come from? They represent values measured in a sample of men that can’t be higher than their peak intraday value . So either it’s the max TT or < max TT level these guys are hitting in a day. There’s is almost no one walking the face of the earth “unassisted” with peak ( much less mean ) daily TT levels above 1200 ng/dl.

After you let that sink in then come back to this:

Be careful to clarify where the “1000” is in the context of treatment. Trough or peak?

Corrected for testosterone amount in the ester, of course you can . A human doesn’t eliminate free endogenous testosterone any different than they would eliminate free exogenously introduced testosterone.

Ask yourself, what is being referred to here? Danny gets 1000 ng/dl where on 250 mg/week of test ester? Peak/trough?

The answer would be trough. What would Danny’s peak TT and mean TT be if he is getting a trough of 1000 ng/dl? Assume E7D or E3.5D injection.

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