What is TRT and What is NOT TRT

You should rephrase this for accuracy. Perhaps:

Take the MINIMUM amount to resolve symptoms. The MINIMUM amount. Whatever that MINIMUM amount is. If you raise this (MINIMUM amount to resolve symptoms) past physiological levels, which cover the very vast vast majority of the human population (non-outliers, not clinically diseased), we do not know what may occur (especially long-term) as there is scant evidence either way of what the outcome might be for you.

Here’s a partial key of your fallacious reasoning this morning.

  • Excellent use of implicit ad hominem combined with ridicule:

  • Smooth combination of red herring, changing the subject, and loaded language:

For the reader, can you identify what the argument is we are debating here?

@dbossa, we’ve probably reached the point (or passed a while back) the point of diminishing returns. I’ve told you many times I appreciate your energy and motivation to help guys, and at the same time I’m offering constructive criticism to help you improve. You’ll have to decide what to do with it.