What is TRT and What is NOT TRT

A couple of other observations / feedback. I’d prefer to deliver these to your anonymous persona but since you have identified yourself on here, I assume it’s no big deal to you.

  1. Your statement above is erroneous. The posts I linked above are germane to the topic at hand. What you should have said is “None of this matters to me.” or something to that effect. I wasn’t posting those for you. I enjoy the pleasure of understanding the mechanisms on how systems operate. Maybe you just like driving the car instead of really understanding its propulsion system? You’d have to ask @bkb333 if it’s important to him to understand why he’s missing some T on his cream protocol, or ask @ncsugrad2002 if it’s valuable to him to understand that guys multiplying their direct RIA free T results by 10 is actually not correct. Or ask @mnben87 if it’s important to him to understand what actually happens with free T/Total T when taking another AAS that signficantly modulates SHBG. Or a myriad of other examples ( @vonko (RIP) and his direct RIA free T, Hct vs viscosity, etc, etc). Guys come on here for all kinds of reasons and have various appetites for various levels of detail. None of this stuff is important to anyone until they want to understand it, then it becomes important.

  2. Since you are now working with guys in a consultative capacity, you’ve got to work on your bedside manner. I wouldn’t recommend ridiculing a guy’s dosage/dosing and mocking him to grow a pair. I’ve never run into a provider (except on here) who did such a thing, and it erodes your image.

  3. Take a course in critical thinking (online resources ?). I shared with you a nice article that gives a high level summary. @eyedentist really gave you thoughtful feedback. I’ve shared with you multiple times that your statement here is incorrect. You openly admitted this yet still keep repeating it. Learn from this feedback and then stop repeating the same things over and over again once they’ve been proven false. This will help with credibility. It’s ok to admit you are wrong. This isn’t a competition as guys’ health is on the line. I realize it’s easy to get sucked into some of these bad practices. With practice, you can start a new habit.

Good luck and best wishes with your new venture.