What Else to Take with Test Cyp?

That’s one of the ones we all wish were permanently pinned to the top, and should answer most of your questions. If you plan to deviate at all from the basic beginner cycle, please post it up for critique along with your reasoning for doing so, and I’m sure you’ll get some more helpful feedback. And by all means when you finally do take the plunge start a cycle log for your benefit as well as the community’s. Best of luck.

That post really did help. Thank you again for posting it.

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Glad it helped. Any questions, just ask.

seems you changed your tone. Before you swore by having to take an AI even with no symptoms. Glad you used your brain for once.

Not sure why you have a problem with Andy Jones but it’s clear you do. Try to bring some objectivity to the discussion.

this will not end well…

also you dumb shit le is on this site. unless you have your discharge papers in hand delete this thread and make a new one after you join civvie st.

Try to bring some objectivity to the discussion. Like you just did?

I know you are, but what am I?


he contradicted what he said. Why don’t you get his cock out of your mouth for a few minutes. Your jaw much be tired.

I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.


Not heard this one before - made me laugh.

Mopar why do you even bother posting? You’re obviously trying to troll and are really bad at it.


20 characters

yeah that mopar kid’s a dick