What Do You Think of 'Natty or Not'?

According to this website, you can only bench press 2 times your bodyweight on steroids or be a very rare genetic freak, deadlifts and squats are terrible exercises that dont translate to real life strength.

The site also brands anyone who lifts on youtube or involved in sports/fitness sted heads like scooby workstatt, Vince Gironda and steve reeves etc the site says all of them are/were heavy juicers and far from natural.

The site owner dos not have any pics of himself, he says you cannot make your arms bigger then a inch…1 inch is the limit.

lol. Yay, I’m apparently a genetic freak.


[quote]theiceman13 wrote:
According to this website, you can only bench press 2 times your bodyweight on steroids or be a very rare genetic freak, deadlifts and squats are terrible exercises that dont translate to real life strength.

The site also brands anyone who lifts on youtube or involved in sports/fitness sted heads like scooby workstatt, Vince Gironda and steve reeves etc the site says all of them are/were heavy juicers and far from natural.

The site owner dos not have any pics of himself, he says you cannot make your arms bigger then a inch…1 inch is the limit.[/quote]

I assume that you posted a link here that got taken down.

I also assume that your reading comprehension and/or ability to determine whether something is credible information is quite poor.

nattys can be so bitter

In regard to the page you listed (“Scooby”): If someone told me they were 6’3, 240 lbs at 8% bodyfat, I’d be a bit hesitent to buy in, but this is the internet, and everyone is 5-8% bodyfat, with stats falling between Arnold and Lou in their primes (6’0 and 240 - 6’5 ~285).

As to the fact that someone cared enough about what others claim to make an entire website about it, well that’s just sad. No one is going to publicly admit to PED usage because it’s illegal. No one is going to acknowledge why they only choose to compete in certain tested federations while avoiding others that just happen to have stricter testing. But more importantly, no one is going to admit that others, natty or not, can accomplish more than them for whatever reason if they think a little to highly of themselves because it’s a hard and often humbling reality check.


oh sweet! another natty or not thread!!


jk bye.

He says only steroid users can bench 2 times there bodyweight and grow more then a inch on arns, he also says deadlifts are rubbish and useless…what is your therory on that.

He says vince gironda was a known juicer too

I love rhetorical questions.

I thought that if you didn’t bench double bodyweight, DYEL? I guess now its DYEJ.

[quote]flipcollar wrote:
oh sweet! another natty or not thread!!


jk bye.[/quote]

Its about a site called Natty or not, i am not asking if such a person is natural or not.

[quote]theiceman13 wrote:
He says only steroid users can bench 2 times there bodyweight and grow more then a inch on arns, he also says deadlifts are rubbish and useless…what is your therory on that.

He says vince gironda was a known juicer too[/quote]

Ugh. I said I was out but I’ll respond to this.

There are absolutely guys who can bench twice their bodyweight and are not on steroids. Several post on this site regularly. It’s especially do-able for short guys.

I grew my arms substantially more than 1 inch without steroids. I’m guessing I put about 4 inches on my arms, as an adult, without steroids. 1 inch is ridiculous. Starting point is very relative here, as is bodyfat. This website has to be a joke.

Why would deadlifts be useless? In what context? If your goal is to lift heavy shit off the ground, I’d say deadlifts are a pretty effective way to practice that. And if you compete in powerlifting, you have to deadlift.

To call the above things ‘theories’ is truly rubbish. These are hard facts.

I don’t know if Gironda used steroids or not, but I can tell you that athletes began taking steroids in the mid 40’s, and that testosterone was first synthesized in the 30’s. So by the 50’s, they were quite prevalent. By the time Gironda was 30, they certainly would have been available to him. I doubt he used them before he was 25, but anytime after that, it’s impossible to know for sure.

Here’s the real question though. Why do you care if Gironda used steroids? Does it matter at all? Does it affect you in any way whatsoever?

There are far many more important things in life to care about than this.

From what I understand, Dianabol was developed to help patients with burn injuries recover faster. However, like all drugs, it takes a lot of work to get it approved for human trials. On the other hand, the US Olympic Weightlifting team was willing to trial the drug on a voluntary basis. This was somewhere 1952-1954ish. Obviously it worked, people talked, and the rest is pretty much history.

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
As to the fact that someone cared enough about what others claim to make an entire website about it, well that’s just sad. No one is going to publicly admit to PED usage because it’s illegal. No one is going to acknowledge why they only choose to compete in certain tested federations while avoiding others that just happen to have stricter testing. But more importantly, no one is going to admit that others, natty or not, can accomplish more than them for whatever reason if they think a little to highly of themselves because it’s a hard and often humbling reality check.


very well said

Having an opinion on this will not make you bigger or stronger.

I’ve always believed that the search for perceived fault in others is nearly as rewarding as comparing myself to people who are not as successful as I am.

Are you seriously suggesting to me that not everything on the internet is 100% cast iron fact? Because that’s life changing.

[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
Having an opinion on this will not make you bigger or stronger.[/quote]

Hmm i dont know what you are getting at but when did i say that opinions will make me bigger or sronger?

[quote]theiceman13 wrote:

[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
Having an opinion on this will not make you bigger or stronger.[/quote]

Hmm i dont know what you are getting at but when did i say that opinions will make me bigger or sronger?[/quote]

he’s suggesting that nothing of value will come out of this thread.

Could we hurry up and come to a conclusion? I need to know if I’m a freak or not so I can train correctly for my status.