What do People Eat at Work??

Awesome snack, or most awesome snack?

I leave a bag of cheese in the fridge and bring in tins of anchovies.

one tin of anchovies in olive oil is two servings (50 calories total), 8g protein, and the rest from good fats. One slice of nice, tasty high quality spicy cheese is about 110 calories, and 7g of protein.

Two tins of anchovies, two slices of cheese: A little over 300 calories, 30g protein, a bunch of olive oil, a good bit of fish fat, and a good bit of milk-fat.

I eat one slice of cheese, scarf down the tins (including the oil!), then eat the other slice of cheese and wash my hands. I love both anchovies and cheese, and didn’t see gourmet nutrition recipes involving either.

1 of my meals at work is always whatever I had for dinner the previous night (just cook double). Today it was steak.

Additionally, every weekend I cook up a big pot of thick, chunky vegetable soup. 1 serve is nearly my whole vegetable requirements for a single day. I freeze individual portions and bring them into the office daily.

My snacks are generally protein bars, nuts and fruit.

Eating in an office is EASY. I don’t know why people make such a big deal out of it. Just prepare in advance, whether it be on the weekend, the night before or in the morning. Do whatever it takes for you.

My “problem” is the fact desk work is boring and I ALWAYS want to eat as a result. Not good when trying to drop weight because I constantly find myself bringing scheduled meals forward and then having an unacceptably large (and difficult to tolerate) gap between my last feed at work and my first feed at home.

Gatoraid and one or two Metrx protein bars.

go down the baking isle and buy raw almonds = great snack.

also, through out the reduced fat jiff and get some natural peanut or almond butter…

like everyone said, and has been said on this site many times… cook shit loads of meat in advance (i cook on sunday and wendsday.

Then just store it for the rest of the week.

My pre work out meal is usually 1 cup (or more) yogurt, mixed berries and oatmeal on top. plus a glass or two of whole milk. gives me carbs and protein …

Well I work at a restuarant, and I use ‘Supershakes’ and tuck them in the fridge there.

But, at my previous job when I didn’t have access to these type of things, I’d bring one of those mini-lunch coolers, throw a couple of Supershakes in there and just tuck it away somewhere on the ground or behind the register.

I even threw in some sushi meals during a real long shift, worked very well for me.