What % Bodyfat/Lean Muscle Do I Have?

I need to start dipping into the beginners forum more often :joy:

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You were
 ten pounds heavier
 probably not all LBM either, so say 5lbs heavier

at this point you’re posts indicate a facet of instability, you DON’T need steroids, you need a solid training regime

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its been 3 days
 obviously hes not getting the desired information he wants.
My gut has been telling me he doesn’t want to hear about any possible issue regarding diet or lifting.

 honestly it’s hard not to think that your just making up a sob story so that someone will give you the green light to run gear

Pretty much seems like you have side step any question regarding diet or what your program consisted of. As if in doing so would poke holes in the narrative your trying to establish.

You mentioned in your other thread your diet wasn’t good due to finance reasons.
But as someone pointed out you some how you can afford to buy gear if you needed .

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I have through periods on and off “suffered” from something I would call similar to whatever this CFS shit is, and my solution has always been to go to the gym and fucking melt all the shit anyway. It remains undiagnosed, because it is probably just a low level form of stress. Ironically, training and over-training can contribute to it, because it is largely neurological. Be aware of it, accept it, do what you can to combat it, and overcome it. Sheesh, OP.


Lol I have a version of CFS it’s called working a full time job nearing 50 with adult issues. Oddly it hasn’t been diagnosed either if you know what I’m saying. I guess it’s hard for me to be sympathetic towards the young man.



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Trust me CFS is no joke it’s real and I have it likely do to overtraining syndrome I don’t wish CFS upon my worst enemie it awful. If you had the same tyou wouldn’t be able to gain alot of muscle mass like I cant .

I am also an undiagnosed grown up.

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Why do people give themselves bad conditions if they are going to self-diagnose?

I have an undiagnosed MSTR gene deficiency.


Thank you for confirming what I suspected.

I have been diagnosed with a big stick up my ass at my last exam. Would explain allot.


 so what exactly makes you think you need gear?

You’re logic is flawed, if you think you’ve got CFS, go to a specialist
 if you think you’ve got a hormonal deficiency, get some labs pulled

Playing a guessing game of “oh I have this and that, anabolic steroids are certainly the answer” is bullshit
 furthermore, as someone who actually has fibromyalgia (diagnosed) and possibly CFS (doctor specified I MIGHT have this, however I was also hypogonadal at the time
 which would explain quite a bit)

The fatigue/lack of energy associated with fibromyalgia does improve with androgen therapy (particuarly pertaining to mildly supraphysiologic doses
 like say 1.5-2x what a man would regularly produce) but the improvement IS MARGINAL, it’s no “night and day cure”, and if you’re a lazy guy who can’t bring himself to train without steroids, I’m sorry
 but CFS or not anabolics probably won’t suddenly make you able to train

Stop looking for excuses to run gear, if you’re aware of the risks associated with you’re situation (running gear) which I can tell you that you most certainly AREN’T
 then you could theoretically run gear (even though it’s a stupid decision to make in my opinion)


  • you don’t train properly
  • you probably don’t know how to diet
  • you make excuses such as “I have CFS even though I’ve never been diagnosed”
  • you think gear is the only answer

This is some incredibly retarded ideology to harbour, stop putting all you’re money into the idea of gear
 if you think something’s wrong, see a fucking doctor, a pain specialist/specialist regarding CFS
 have you ever had testing to rule out autoimmune conditions
 what about thyroid, adrenals etc
 could be CFS
 could also be hormonally/neurologically mediated
 think rationally before making stupid decisions my man

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Fyi hes already stated already he’s seen a specialist and had test run. No diagnoses was made for it.

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So no diagnosis’s were made after seeing a specialist?

If he really thinks something’s wrong he should get a second opinion
 otherwise it’s probably nothing

When I had hypogonadism it was severe enough I was actually diagnosed by my GP before seeing a specialist (to get injectable test here it’s incredibly difficult, probably the hardest developed country in the world
 hence people tend to turn to the black market for TRT at astounding rates if they can’t afford private specialists/healthcare)

I never went private for my treatment and was thus stuck on a terrible regime of like 250mg e3w for 3-5 months or so

Eventually I was given a dose high enough to get me to like
 600ng/dl, even then the doc is very cautious regarding my hematocrit etc
 which doesn’t raise, as a matter of fact I’m anaemic (iron deficiency anaemia stemming from haemorrhoids which don’t close up because I like deadlifting
) valslva manouver keeps them coming
 had rubber band ligation, now I have to have a more invasive procedure but I keep pushing it back because I don’t want to go under
 I get cripplingly anxious at hospitals before getting put under
 I keep thinking “what if I never wake up”

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I’m just jumping into this thread.

To be clear, have you been diagnosed with this, or are you just saying it?

EDIT: Because if you don’t have a diagnosis, you are absolutely full of shit, and you are absolutely unqualified to make such a diagnosis. Spare us the fucking sob stories, do you have any idea how many people come onto this forum with essentially the same stories? At least you’re not looking into clavicle lengthening surgery. If you go THAT route, I’ve been told I’m the guy to talk to.


Did the guy end up actually getting that retarded surgery done?

If I recall correctly he had klinefelters syndrome
 meaning he needed trt + an optimal training regime, not surgery

Testicular function is abysmal in those with klinefelters syndrome, they all have primary hypogonadism

I honestly don’t remember if that was the same guy. And as far as I’m aware, he did not get the surgery.

This is beautiful.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Prostate? Been there. Maybe visit a smaller doctor?
Or at least a less enthusiastic one


You can’t study for a prostate exam, but boy can you cram.