What are Your Thoughts on Smolov?

Smolov is probably a product of the Russian sense of humor. They like to tease and break balls (in a friendly way). I wouldn’t be surprised if someone put this out there and is sitting back, laughing his ass off.


I imagine anyone running Smolov should eat a diet rich in snipe meat.


While walking across the bridge they just purchased from a man in a trench coat.

Awww Smolov isn’t real? Like Slash?


I don’t know anyone strong who runs Smolov. Don’t know or care if he exists. Stick to the basics.

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I’ve ran the training for about two weeks, and my knees hated me more in those two weeks than in my entire training career combined.

No amount of sleeves or compression wraps helped, and Percocet wasn’t even chipping the ice on calming my knees down.

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I’ve done it and it was ok on my garbage surgery’d knees. Though I did a modified neurotype version by Thibaudeau.

It’s an excellent program if you modify it slightly from it’s original form.

How did you modify it?

I think it’s a fun thing to do if you’re off season. I’ve ran Smolov Jr a few times for Bench and got very sustainable gains. Smolov Jr is what I did to break past 205. Hit 235 and stayed there for a while after.

Also for fun, since I wasn’t doing either movement often enough, I did Smolov Jr for front squat and ohp. At the time, I was stuck at 305 for my back squat, and hit 325 after 3 weeks of front squat smolov. No difference on bench, which was 235 at the time.

I considered doing it again, but I have more important programming to pursue. In december, I was trying to do OHP at the end of every session as accessory with Smolov Jr formatting - but that lasted a week.

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One smolov workout per week.

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So like drag out the progression on a weekly basis?
6x6 Week 1, 7x5 Week 2, 8x4 Week 3, 10x3 Week 4?

Right, 1 workout per week vs. 3 or whatever nonsense it tells you to do.

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If I was 15 again and to start lifting I think I’d begin with a Linear Progression program.

Just my 2 cents

Carl in Dover