What are Your Best & Worst Bodybuilding Poses & Why?

Join the club. :grin:

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I’m sure you’ve posts this but what was your body weight on comp day vs in this pic?

And very good work man. I’ve looked through your thread on your prep and it was great. Very educational experience just reading it lol

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173 onstage and then ballooned up to 180 something in days! My skin was so freaking tight feeling. It was unpleasant.

Sorry, I don’t want to derail this thread but while you’re around: do you have any pictures you wouldn’t mind sharing of what you looked like before you started your prep? I never seem to see off season pics of natural BBers.

Be nice to see what I should aim for if I ever go that route.


Check out my Leaning Out Prep thread. Thank you! @caesium32

Didn’t know about that, thank you!

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Getting into contest shape can be one of the most humbling experiences of your life. In my opinion, that’s why plenty of people you see online with egos never pull the trigger.



Ok … I shouldn’t even bother since it was sooooooo long ago, but back in the day my best was hand on hips most muscular … worst was side chest because of poor bicep peak…

BB pic (2)


I’m tempted to name names but it’s not the right thing to do.

Can I guess?

Yes. Who talks or talked lot but never competed? Lol.

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Did you find it?

Yeah thanks. Read up to about post 275 so far. You did a great job.

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Hmm let me think. At the moment it eXcapes me who you might be hinting at!


Literal lol. There are some more out there.

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Folks, stuff like this is why bodybuilders have a reputation for being catty.

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eh, I figure anyone in any sport or field looks down with a bit of a disapproving attitude at others who profess knowledge or experience that they obviously don’t have, but pretend to.


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I don’t think there is any cattiness in that. I think it’s more in the “Oh yeah, there’s a CERTAIN someone out there that says a LOT of stuff but won’t back it up”


If it’s worth bringing up, it’s worth mentioning a name. If it’s not worth saying the name, it’s not worth bringing up.

You called out John G directly. It wasn’t catty at all. I think more of that needs to happen. Or less of “non-name saying” at the least.


Point. I think there’s a general opinion among people who have accomplished a certain level in the “fitness world” (bodybuilding competitions, powerlifting etc etc) towards several authors (“coaches?”) whose actual attempts at “walking the walk” have been less than impressive (laughable?) and yet their egos are still considerable because of the platform being online affords them.

IMO, and anyone is free to disagree, I think guys like Bulldog, Brick, several others on here, all probably have the same opinions seeing what they see online, or even on this site. So,… rather than turn to outright blasting someone, which is usually not really good form, you see the subtle wink-wink going on, and anyone in the know, understands.