Weight Gains?

Any suggestion what to take to bulk up at least 30 lbs? Pro hormones? I have a very high metabolism I’m under 10% body fat.

Food, and lots of it, often. I stayed around 151-153 for a long time, and I did the food, and lots of it, and have added about 15lbs in a few months.

Jim wendler or american sniper stack

Think food before you think steroids.

[quote]Puasean wrote:
I have a very high metabolism I’m under 10% body fat. [/quote]

Try to find out how many calories you need to gain weight. Here are some options for really increasing your intake if you need to go nuclear:

whole milk
olive oil

two cups of oats, two cups of whole milk and an apple are 1,000 calories.

Prohormones are currently illegal. The reason why many gear users didn’t elect to use them while they were legal was because many of them are steroid compounds with slightly altered chemical structures to get past legal definitions of steroids. Which means, unlike normal steroids, which have been around and used for decades, no one can predict potential long term side effects of these prohormones. And unlike human grade steroids, which have been used medically in the past, there are very few(mostly none) credible studies pertaining to their use and side effects. So don’t fuck with them.

If you take this post to imply that you should be using real gear instead, give me you address so I can send some people over to smack you.

Food, and lots of it. I was the same way. I was 6’3 and 145 pounds, but once I started stuffing 4000 calories of food down my throat my body was forced to grow. Now I’m 205.

Steroids at your stage are a terrible idea, and will only limit your potential to gain size and strength in the long run.

[quote]Ecchastang wrote:
Food, and lots of it, often. I stayed around 151-153 for a long time, and I did the food, and lots of it, and have added about 15lbs in a few months.[/quote]

I dont know, food is hard to dose correctly and you never know if you have a good source. Definitely prohormones.

[quote]Puasean wrote:
Any suggestion what to take to bulk up at least 30 lbs?[/quote]
Your profile says you’re 5’2", 132 pounds, and “under 10%” bodyfat. The bad news is that is sounds like you’ve got a small frame, so building a ton of size will be a challenge. But it’s for sure possible. The good news is that you’re lean enough where you have plenty of leeway to really attack the calories and go for it. As long as you don’t flip out and change course when you lose your eight-pack abs, you’ll be fine.

No. Just, no.

What, exactly, did you eat yesterday?

Food intake is going to be the make or break factor in your gaining weight and “overcoming” whatever kind of metabolism you say you have. Eating plenty, like the guys have said, is one thing. Eating plenty seven days a week for 24 weeks in a row is another, and that’s what you’re going to need to see serious progress.

Your training plan will almost be a secondary consideration after your diet is on point. Lifting 3-4 days a week with any decent plan would be a solid start.

[quote]cparker wrote:

[quote]Ecchastang wrote:
Food, and lots of it, often. I stayed around 151-153 for a long time, and I did the food, and lots of it, and have added about 15lbs in a few months.[/quote]

I dont know, food is hard to dose correctly and you never know if you have a good source. Definitely prohormones.[/quote]

True story. And I’d far rather inject potentially dangerous drugs directly into my ass than chomp down on a juicy steak or two.

Eat. More. Food.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortably full. Choose foods that are super caloric ally dense like peanut butter, milk, oils/butter, rice, etc.

I like the username.

Alright sounds like a lot more food intake. i am small but I got strength. I squatted 495 deadlift 495 and Beach 365 touch and go. Also I put up 515 on bench shirt(overkill) I’m a power lifter. Believe it or not I’m top 10 in my weight class at 132 junior. My train log are only 3 days a week but II don’t like it. I know some of you guys are not a fan of pro hormone but I have takin it before. It gain me about 15lbs.

When it comes to eating most of time i get high and go to any buffet restaurant muncheeze as much as I can. I don’t care about gainin fat, as long I gain weights. To me the more weight I gain the more strength I gain well at least that’s my body tells me… P.S. Thanks for your help.

[quote]Puasean wrote:
Alright sounds like a lot more food intake. i am small but I got strength. I squatted 495 deadlift 495 and Beach 365 touch and go. Also I put up 515 on bench shirt(overkill) I’m a power lifter. Believe it or not I’m top 10 in my weight class at 132 junior. My train log are only 3 days a week but II don’t like it. I know some of you guys are not a fan of pro hormone but I have takin it before. It gain me about 15lbs.

When it comes to eating most of time i get high and go to any buffet restaurant muncheeze as much as I can. I don’t care about gainin fat, as long I gain weights. To me the more weight I gain the more strength I gain well at least that’s my body tells me… P.S. Thanks for your help. [/quote]

[quote]Puasean wrote:
I squatted 495 deadlift 495 and Beach 365 touch and go. Also I put up 515 on bench shirt(overkill) I’m a power lifter. Believe it or not I’m top 10 in my weight class at 132 junior. [/quote]

cough Bullshit cough

Look for yourself!

Meet pr

Copy and paste and see for yourself lol

copy and paste! My squat as you can see it was fast and easy 435

https://fbcdn-video-j-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-xpf1/v/t42.1790-2/1599948_10202425159904820_140166885_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjYxOSwicmxhIjo1MTJ9&rl=619&vabr=344&oh=14ec56a5dd53c7ef8db5bbbfbcc7b2e4&oe=552411C2&__gda__=1428445701_9c4cecc13034c3eefedf18ce921ee878 After maxing out 225 lots of reps!