Wealth Inequality in America

I simply asked if they had effects on the job environment in Obama’s presidency…I said nothing about your wealth but it’s always about you isn’t it Zeb!? Ha.

You talked about home ownership being down, I gave you the marriage age going up i.e home ownership is down in concurrence with the recession and the plummeting of the housing market.

I do think that working poor folks could learn a trade, however that takes money and time as well. I’m not sure what could be done there. That’s a good question. But to say that those people want to be drawing money from the system, is an unfair characterization, and one that tends to get thrown around a lot by conservatives.

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But I digress, go have fun while you’re drinking…get off this forum!

He wishes! I bet that dainty-handed dandy ain’t even worth a Bill.


I think you’re on the right track with regard to teaching people financial literacy. My grandfather started out as a coal miner making maybe 5 cents a week when he was 12. Retired from mining after 30 years and became a plumber. Retired from that at 65. When he died 10 years later, he was worth over $2 million.The man knew how to make money work for him.
I’ve never made much, but I’ve managed to save a little. I put that little into the right places and have doubled it a few times. Who knows? Maybe I can double it couple more times and my son will have his college paid for.

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I don’t know man. Does taking a $20 out of your bank account, then betting it on the Stiller game count as “doubling” your savings?

Only if they win! :grin:

And also if your savings = $20 :confounded:

Look, Skyzyk is a good man, there’s no need to make fun of his meager savings.

Besides, $20 is enough for dinner at the finest steakhouse in town out where he lives!

The Castle Tavern South!

If you can fit it into a fryer basket, they’ll cook it.

I used to get kicked out of the original one twice a week. Except for that one time in like '92 or so.

If I had a $20 bill for every time I’d heard that…

You’d have like $10! :fonzie:

@zeb1 I didn’t want this to turn into a discussion about government assistance, but it has seemed to move that way. Once again I ask you have you every received government assistance because of a lack of income? You seem to use a broad brush while painting the working poor or impoverished in this country as a bunch of welfare kings and queens or takers. That all they need to do is get an education or work harder or whatever else. You seem to have very little understanding of how difficult it is and how hard it can be to pull yourself and family out when you get to that point. Or that people in that position don’t want to improve their life.

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I was just trying to create discussion because I like hearing different perspectives on the issue. I am not going to say I know everything like some people on these boards seem to think they do, but I have read quite a few articles from economists stating wealth inequality is an issue. Your one of the guys I wanted to hear from because I learn when you comment, we may disagree, but I still learn. Here is another article for you :smile:

No worries, man. I was referring to my arch nemesis @Aero51 :slight_smile:

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if you’re interested, read through these threads. You’ll have to wade through some other stuff, but a lot of it has been discussed.

Start around post 56:


Looks like its gonna be CCAC instead of CMU.

Oh well. Maybe next season.

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What are people’s thoughts on the “wage gap” for men and women in America? Also, thoughts on this graph… Is this graph evidence that women physicians get payed less than men physicians? I bring this up because the march on inauguration day tried to bring this to light and drunk me(sober me knows better) got into an argument on facebook because of it.


If you can’t view it, google “wage gap men women physicians” and scroll down until you see medscape.

I’m guessing that I’m the only one here who gets this, but bravo.

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You could bottle the tears of the Steeler fans and sell it as the reformulated and again locally bottled Iron City beer. Your kid should be able to live in his new wing at CMU!

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Eh, I dunno. We have all these hipsters now with their google and their Uber and the craft beers. I’d have to include some kind of lemon peel pumpkin pulp, and serve it with a slap upside the head!

Little known fact- The original Iron City was actually so bitter that the only way to drink it was with a shot of Jim Beam and a Pal Mall with no filter. Anything less and there was no way to get through more than 12 of them.