Way Too Much Fat Intake

Thanks a lot tontongg for sharing all this valuable info!

One thing I don´t understand is, if you are always “low” on fats and moderate protein, how do you get your carbs in to hit 3000 or more calories when you don´t eat grains?

What are your carb sources and how much do you eat from the sources?

And what kind of fats do you use in your daily diet?

Thanks you very much for your help! It´s awesome and your informations are very helpful in my current situation! I appreciate this, thank you!

I’m on a 60/20/20% diet consisting nearly exclusively of fruits, nuts, seeds, goat milk, vegetables, protein+dextrose shake periWO and grass fed beef. If you don’t want to eat too many apples or bananas well potatoes are a good source of nutrients and if you boil them well the starch will be digested pronto.

@valexi7 this sounds like secondary. You should get an endo to prescribe you clomid 2-3x per week and see what happens.

Hey tontongg,

thank you very much for taking your time and responding again!

Sorry but I´m really confused! When you eat 3000 calories to maintain your physique and 60% are from carbs, you eat 450g of carbs and your “only” carb sources are fruits or a few potatoes here and there? How you do this?

Can you show me/us a “full day of eating” when you maintain or bulk please? I´m really interested how you do this “only or mostly” fruits!!?!? It sounds a bit like a paleo style of eating!?

It would be awesome if you can help me out here and very helpful to see the overall picture how you structure your diet?

Thank you very much!!!

I’m actually experimenting with a 70-15-15% template myself. Mostly because I save my fats for dinner. Macros are 600g ish carbs, 140P, 50F. I always stick to this:

The nature of your carbs is important of course: tubers, fruits, basmati, little to no grains nor dairy.

And the days look like this:

  • wake up: squeeze 1 lemon + 2 oranges, 1tbsp raw honey, 1tsp creatine, 1tsp taurine
  • snacks: 2 apples, 3 bananas
  • Lunch: lettuce beets carrots with vinegar, 4 cups cooked basmati, some low fat sauce
  • PWO: 8fl oz fruit juice +2 scoops dextrins +2 scoops protein
  • Dinner: 1lb tubers .5lb game or seafood, veggies nuts and seeds

As basic as it gets, no supplements besides what’s listed above in italics. If people wanna eat out for lunch I’m not stressing it, always have some vitamin E and betaine HCL in the fridge just in case.

Hey tontongg,

thank you very much for taking your time and give me a layout of your full day of eating. Right now I´m even more confused. :slight_smile:

It seems like you only eat protein post workout in your shake and for dinner?!?!? Is there a specific reason why you do this? And therefore, how you reach the 140g of protein?

what is “game” food?

Sorry, I don´t want to bother you!!! Really not! I´m only interested how do you manage your diet. Thank you

65ish grams per dinner, 45ish grams per workout, then trace amounts adding up. just chill… keep it simple

eat .4 x bw of fat dont go bellow that

Too much fat?

As a ketogenic dieter, I’m a bit wary of such statements. I’ll tell you what, despite the dire warnings, when you adapt to fat as the primary fuel it’s a game-changer. Here’s one pithy example:

Yesterday, I went to Man Versus Food restaurant and consumed 4 jumbo hot wings and a ribeye steak weighing more than 1kg, soaked in butter.

In the evening I consumed another couple of the wings as takeaway as well as around 250g of cheddar cheese, 250g peanut butter, and easily 250g of raw nuts.

Twelve hours later, despite the titanic protein intake, carbs from the nuts and 25g CHO in my peri-workout shake from the previous day, I’m showing 0.8mmol blood ketones. This follows a short jog/amble this morning.

Don’t get me wrong, that’s an extreme day for me and fat intake is normally much lower, but it does demonstrate what the body is capable of with adaptation.

Studies show that about 35 % of calories come from fats, so it raises the question of how much fats should we consume? Fats can be divided into two; the saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Both fats have a role to play. Eating foods loaded with fats will only make you bulk. Unless of course, you engage in rigorous physical activities.

What about those studies that show that low fat intake will reduce testosterone levels?

This post is inaccurate in so many way!

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