Waterbury PT 8/29

[quote]Chad Waterbury wrote:
BoxBabaX wrote:
Hi Chad,

Im on my 4th week of your AoW program and have really enjoyed it. I had replaced the power cleans with DL’s, due to not knowing how to perform the power clean properly, can you suggest a good place to learn this technique, and what program you think I should do after i finish the AoW.


Thanks for the responce chad, I will DEFINITLY do this now. What would you reccomend i do after the AoW?

Thank you for your time
Powercleans are as easy to perform as deadlifts. If you can’t perform them, you’re making the exercise unnecessarily difficult.

To PC, you should deadlift the load; a few inches before locking out your hips, shrug your traps and perform an upright row; once the barbell is at the lower chest, flip your hands/elbows underneath the bar and drop down into a quarter squat before standing. That’s one rep.

That’s all there is to it. [/quote]

Thanks for the responce chad, I will DEFINITLY do this now. What would you reccomend i do after the AoW?

Thank you for your time


What’s the difference between a roman dead lift and a traditional dead lift? I know how to perform the exercise, just don’t understand why just doing a traditional dead wouldn’t be better?

Did I mention I HATE roman dead lifts? Not sure why but I do.

  • Larry

Another question. This may be a dumb question but I’ve been wondering. My schedule has me missing workouts lately. A lot of times I’m too tired. I just finished up TBT and starting WB again. Instead of only one day rest, some times I’m getting more like 2 and every once in awhile even 3 days rest between workouts. In your best guess, how bad of an effect do you think this is making on my hypertrophy gains?

I know one thing that has help is I’m not doing cardio right now.

[quote]Chad Waterbury wrote:
Should you be worried about large amounts of saturated fat? Yes. I suggest you ditch the bacon, and choose lean cuts of beef. Supplement your fat intake with olive oil, enova, and MCTs. You’ll be much better off. [/quote]

Chad, Thanks for the response. I’ll assume that I can find enova at a grocery store - but what about MCTs?

Also - how much should I take in a day to be sufficient? What’s too much? Do these oils replace a meal?

I know, I’m green.

G’Day Chad,
Just a couple of quick questions for you. I had amazing success with the AofW program which I completed about two weeks ago. Can I continue this program again so soon but just change some of the exercises? And if so any suggestions on an increase in arm size, for some reason compound lifts alone don’t seem to do the job.
As always your time is greatly appreciated.