Water and Oil and slimming down

I was wondering about what several nutritionists have suggested to me in the past.

What are the pro’s/con’s of drinking a lot of water with your meals?

I was told that drinking a lot of water will interfere with the body’s ability to break down the food properly.

I am wondering to what extent this is true, and how we can take advantage of water during a cutting phase.

For example, if we drink lots of water during a cheat meal, would that help “push” bad foods through the body faster?

Also, I am wondering about polyunsaturated fats, like safflower oil, and whether they are rich in Omega 3 or Omega 6?


Fact is a lot of water has it’s benefit anytime cutting or bulking. Even more so for those of us who work out. While it may slow digestion some, the benefits of the intake far outweigh any negative from this.

As far as benefitting a cheat. Well I would say the only real benefit you would get is that it may help you keep the cheat down to a little more reasonable level if you take a lot of water before and after the feeding by making you full faster. Therefore limiting the amount of junk you take in.

The fats. While polys are great and have there place, so do the others. Simply shoot for an equal distribution of each, poly, mono, and sat…



i am trying to minimize my mono & sat fats, simply because the body can create these on its own.

good news about water tho!

Any more comments?


Theres an old thread where I asked a similar question re water. Just do a search for “avoid drinking water” using the search engine and you should find it. I think the general conclusion was that you should drink LOTS of it before, during and after meals.


I might suggest you read these two articles,

Fat Roundtables I and II

There are so many benefits to getting your proper distribution of fats. I wouldnt limit yourself to one source.

Just my 2cc

Hope that helps

sweeeeeeet thanks doods!

glug glug glug

I think its a mistake to drink water before meals, immed before and immed after.

Your digestive sytem produces acids, enzymes, etc to properly break down food. Any intake of liquid will dilute them and not allow them to function prop.

THis is esp imp’t on a hi-protein diet, where the process for digesting protein is longer, esp meats-not so much powders.

But feel free to glug glug away at all other times!

wing, there are two schools of thoughts on drinking water. The first school of thought is that drinking water with a meal dilutes the hydrochloric acid in the stomach that is responsible for digesting the food you eat. And it is true that as we grow older, our body produces less hydrocholoric acid, sometimes resulting in a need to augment what the body produces.

The other school of thought is that most of us don’t drink enough water and generally run around in a somewhat dehydrated state the majority of the time.

Depending on who you talk to or which “expert’s” book you read, you’ll get different advice.

The benefits of water as it relates to our achieving our body comp goals are that water facilitates the process of refilling muscle glycogen stores. It removes metabolic waste like lactic acid and also the waste that results from creating energy (ATP); i.e., burning of free fatty acids, glycogen, etc.

Remember, too, that the benefits of creatine are that it hydrates the cell, creating a more anabolic environment. How can you have a well hydrated cell if you’re not drinking optimal amounts of water?

As it relates to cutting, there are many who believe that hunger is often confused with the body’s need for water.

The list of benefits is endless. Like the Nike commercial says, “Just do it!”

Re safflower oil, it’s high in Omega 6s.

And yes, the body is capable of making saturated fat, but it typically makes it from refined carbohydrates, not from your green veggie type carbs, and then only if you are hypocaloric (above maintenance calories). Are you eating a lot of refined carbohydrates.

For health, for athletic performance, and to improve your body composition, you should be ingesting roughly equal amounts of saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, and polyunsaturated fat.

Thanks TT for the back up on the fats deal. I have been a little to short on time to elaborate any further.

Water good!!!
