Warm up for Waterbury Total Body Training

I was wanting to try this plan. Total Body Training

I could not find anything about warming up or stretching before hand even after putting in Warm up for Waterbury. Do I go right into the sets as is, do a stretching routine, cardio warm up, warm up sets, ect…?

Thanks for the help.

[quote]Darthzilla99 wrote:
I could not find anything about warming up or stretching before hand even after putting in Warm up for Waterbury. Do I go right into the sets as is, do a stretching routine, cardio warm up, warm up sets, ect…?[/quote]
Most programs don’t explicitly describe the warm-up because the individual’s needs can be so different. My warm-up most days is a less-than-5 minute walk to the gym (three blocks away), about 5 minutes of different bodyweight movements/stretches/mobility work, and then get into my workout. 1-2 easier sets before getting up to the work sets is fine for me.

Somebody with specific issues, like a bad shoulder for example, might need a more thorough general warm-up every session. I do some extra hip mobility work on days I squat.

For that routine, a basic something to get the blood flowing (5-10 minutes tops, unless you have issues) should be fine, and then a few warm-up sets before the big exercises. You might not necessarily need many/any warm-up sets for the smaller exercises towards the end of the session.

There have been a bunch of articles talking about different warm-up approaches. This is a pretty good one: No-Nonsense Warm-Ups for Big Lifters