Vote For New Kids' Ballfield

So here’s the rundown: this 6 y/o kid who was a huge Brewers fan was killed by a drunk driver recently and his family is trying to get a new field built for the kids in the area he lived in. There’s a link to the page you can vote from within this article. I don’t know why I feel the need to put this on here. I was reading the article and something about it really touched me. I think it’s because I’ve had six different friends die in drunk driving-related accidents so I know what it’s like to lose someone to something so senseless and irresponsible. When I saw that they needed money for this new field in the kid’s honor and that the money would be doled out based on a vote, I immediately thought of this site and decided to put it on here to see if we could all help this family get a field built.

