Velocity Diet Plan

Cool Tips

Most people who get disappointing results or quit out of frustration change the plan. They use different supplements, ignore the workout recommendations, or don’t do all the scheduled pulses.

The Velocity Diet is built on the synergy of its layers. Every part of it is dependent on the other parts. If you’re going to do the Velocity plan, do it right. Success leaves a trail. Follow it. Successful participants don’t change a thing.

Wait 20 Minutes

Because of a series of complex biological mechanisms, it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to “know” it’s full.

It’s why you can eat until you’re full, then feel miserably stuffed 20 minutes later.

Dr. Janet Polivy, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, explains it best: “We don’t have immediate feedback from our bodies telling us we’ve eaten enough. It takes about 20 minutes for food to digest enough so glucose gets into the bloodstream and the hormones start working.”

Those hormones – insulin, leptin, cortisol, and ghrelin – act as chemical messengers to run signals related to hunger and satiety between the stomach and the brain.

So if you drink a shake or eat an HSM and think, “Hmm, I’m still hungry,” occupy yourself with something else and wait 20 minutes. After that, you’ll feel very satisfied.

Flavor Your Shake With Caution

Metabolic Drive® protein tastes great. But after a couple of weeks on the plan, you may want to experiment with new flavoring. The only rule is this: You can’t add anything that increases calories, especially milk. Use water only.

Here are some ideas for new tastes and textures:

  • Try Different Thicknesses. Follow the label directions when blending your shakes for the best flavor and consistency. But feel free to experiment too. Some use extra water because they prefer thinner pulses. Others prefer their shakes thick and icy.
  • Add Non-Caloric Flavoring. Good choices include sugar-free DaVinci syrups and baking extracts, such as pure peppermint and almond. If you think you’ll like making new flavors purchase mostly vanilla Metabolic Drive® protein, as it’s the most versatile.
  • Spice It Up. Spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or pre-made apple or pumpkin pie blends work well.
  • Add instant coffee. Stir in one serving of instant coffee or espresso into your breakfast pulse. A serving of quality instant coffee and a little hazelnut or caramel-flavored sugar-free syrup will rival anything you get at your favorite pricey coffee shop!
  • Make hot chocolate. Add your chocolate Metabolic Drive® protein to some water that’s already hot (but not boiling), and stir or blend.

Make Pudding or Ice Cream

For variety, many enjoy making their Metabolic Drive® pulses into pudding or even ice cream. It’s easy. Add a small amount of ice-cold water to your protein powder, just enough to make a thick, rich pudding, then eat it with a spoon. To make it into ice cream, partially freeze the pudding mixture and enjoy.

Blend Your Shakes

Despite Metabolic Drive® powder mixing well with just a spoon or shaker bottle, try using a blender for most of your daily pulses. Blending them with a little ice gives you a true milkshake-like texture. It also forces you to drink the pulse slower, allowing you to experience satiety faster.

If you need to drink a shake or two at work, purchase a small single-serving blender. They’re inexpensive and portable.

Stirring or using a shaker bottle is fine in a pinch, but you’ll enjoy the plan more if you make each shake a treat.

Increase HSM Satisfaction

Remember, one of the reasons the Velocity Diet is so successful for long-term leanness is it “re-sensitizes” your taste buds and perceptions of flavor. You’ll notice that healthy foods start tasting better. By avoiding hyper-palatable junk foods and boxed foods for 28 days, you’ll “rehab” your taste buds. To make this work even better, follow these tips when eating your HSM:

  • Mindful Eating. We mentioned mindful eating earlier. It’s simple: pay attention to your food. Savor it. Chew slowly. People who have disordered eating don’t do this. They don’t think about the wonderful flavors and textures of the food in their mouths; they only focus on the next bite. Put down your fork between bites and enjoy every bite. It’s what “foodies” and professional chefs do. It’s not what lifelong overweight people do. There’s a lesson there.
  • Make a plate and sit at a table. No eating from containers while standing up in the kitchen. And avoid eating in front of the TV, computer, or cell phone, which leads to distracted mindless eating. It causes you to be less satisfied with your meal, and you’ll be looking for something else to eat.
  • Eat all your HSMs from a small plate. If you’ve had overeating or binge-eating issues, try eating all your HSMs from a small plate. Researchers at the University of Illinois conducted a study where participants ate from soup bowls equipped with hidden refilling devices. Subjects who ate from these never-ending bowls consumed 73% more than those who ate from regular bowls. But here’s the kicker: They didn’t rate their feelings of satiety any higher than those who consumed less! Those who’ve struggled with overeating also find it helpful to eat with a small salad fork or chopsticks. It reprograms their eating habits, forces them to slow down, and they not only enjoy the meal more, they even feel more satisfied afterward.
  • Cook your own HSM. Whenever you can, prepare your healthy solid meals. Studies show that prepping and cooking your meal leads to more satisfaction and fullness. As a bonus, you’ll learn more about food. Ironically, overweight people know little about food because they often rely on restaurants and convenient meals. The fact remains: the more you cook, the better you’ll look.