Veggie Selection

I am really working hard to eat more vegetables in my diet, both to get some bulk and fiber and to get vitamins. I am reading a lot of the old posts and understand that in many cases frozen is better than fresh and definitely better than canned. My question regards vegetable colors. I have read that in order to get the full spectrum of vitamins, you need to eat a spectrum of veggies. So with that in mind, in addition to spinach, brocolli, kale, and collards, what veggies should I add. Thanks for your input!

Frozen is not better than fresh. Frozen is convenient, inexpensive and therefore better than no vegetables at all. Carrots, yams,squash,beets,aspargus,peppers, and the list goes on.This is the best time of year for veggies so enjoy it while it lasts.

Thanks Ko! And I got the fresh and frozen wrong way round in my post. Obviously fresh is better than frozen. I will definitely start adding more tasty greens (and yellows and oranges) to my diet. Thanks.

I find that the peppers tend to be quick and easy. You can eat a green pepper like an apple no problem.

No problem.

great suggestions, just to make sure you’ve got lots of brocolli, cauliflower, asparagus & beets (make sure you eat the beet-greens too). In faith, Coach Davies

Beets! Eeaaaugh!

I thought I could put most anything down my gullet in pursuit of the perfect body, but Coach Davies has found my Achilles’ Heel. Even if someone told me that eating one beet would put ten pounds of ripped muscle on me I don’t think I could do it…

One of my personal favorites is okra and tomatoes, with some purple onion and a couple of fresh habanero peppers chopped in to give it some kick.Oh yeah and a little cilantro.

One thing that I have been trying to do is to eat one frozen bag of vegetables a day. I go with a different bag each day. I go with a different bag each time, usually a mixture, but sometimes just green beans or broccoli.

Thanks for all the input guys. I really need to work on my ability to eat these vegetables, especially the beets! If anyone has any more suggestions on how to make vegetables more palatable, while still retaining ALL of their nutritional value, I would really like to hear them. Thanks again everyone.

If you are looking to make the veggies more palatable,then go to your local grocery store’s spice aisle, and go nuts.Hell, a little garlic and some cayenne and paprika can turn plain old asparagus into a cajun treat. So go crazy with the spices and experiment with different combos,Although not quite as good as fresh, the dried powders are cheap and good and can transform any plain and boring meat or veggie into a treat.