Vegas Shooter Kills 50+

An F-35 is $300M… and you’d have to actually know how to fly one, lol. Plus, the technology would still be classified.

*Grenades are problematic, i’ll give you that…

No, I think it’s much more likely we’ll be under threat from an internal hostile power.

I assume if a hostile foreign power is on the verge of invading nuclear winter will have started.

Prior to that, in the mid-1800s, states began restricting the concealed carry of weapons to prevent sneak attacks and murders. Hence, access was not unfettered beginning a long time ago. History didn’t begin with the Tommy Gun.

Well, circling back to my original point - they were fine with machine guns being restricted via the NFA. So, if they weren’t, where’s the evidence they thought they’re rights were being trampled? Where are they calling en masse to get rid of restrictions on machine guns, etc.?

Respectfully, that’s a dodge. Legislation is indicative of public opinion, especially legislation that sticks around for a while without challenge.

Sure, before we instituted a professional military. Now we have a standing army full of fit, trained warfighters. Romantic notions aside, the self-styled local militia ain’t getting called up.

You’re arguing with yourself - I never said firearms weren’t privately owned. I’m not sure of your point here.

Sure, that’s exactly my point (though Heller is a constitutional mess) - we change, according to circumstances, as needed. We balance - sometimes that means reversing a restriction. That’s fine. I’m not arguing otherwise. That’s entirely my point - times change, and we change.

Of course on the interwebz. That’s the most important part of it all - being seen doing or saying it.

As I said, it’s all just another species of identity politics.

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Serious question - how would that work? A tyrannical government or a foreign element?

I’m genuinely curious to know what would be the scenario in which responsible citizens take up arms to fight an internal hostile power.

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Right. But I mean… It doesn’t get that much less scary if they’re driving old-school tanks lol

Now available in bulk at a wholesaler near you!

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What percentage of states? All of them? How is restricting conceal carry restricting access to firearms?

Unless my understanding of NFA of 1934 is wrong, the ownership of certain weapons wasn’t really restricted. You had to pay a tax and register certain weapons, but you could still own them.

I donno. They were sorta busy in the late 30s. I’m not sure they could find the time to protest on Facebook.

You can call it a dodge if you want. Only a portion of the country cares and only a portion of those that care agree with the legislation. I’m not comfortable saying that equals public opinion.

Well, then re-write the 2A.

That military-style firearms have been privately owned since the birth of the country.

Probably a tyrannical government. Could be a combination, though.

Someone rises to power on promises to restore “white power”. Idk.

For the record, I’m not some prepper that thinks armed revolution is around the corner…

Think he means if the strongest military on the planet decides to point at you, the fuck is a “well armed militia” gonna do about it?

There are like 70 million gun owners and like 300 million privately owned guns. I think we’ll be fine.

Not to mention, I seriously doubt the military of Murica’s is gonna just point their guns at other Americans.

Yes, but the problem is that modern authoritarianism and tyranny is not so violence intensive, just look at China in the last decade or two. Sure, there are executions, arrests and oppression but they mostly deal with denying opportunities. Critical of the government? You aren’t imprisoned or tortured - you just can’t get a loan, buy a smartphone or board a plane. Not exactly worthy of grabbing an AR-15…

East Germany developed the most elaborate and sophisticated surveillance authoritarian system, it’s just they were twenty years ahead of the technological curve and couldn’t process the vast amounts of data they were collecting.

But as someone who lived a part of his life is such as system, this is exactly how it played out.

Again, no critical moment for grabbing one’s guns and mustering at the town square…


Then the fear of a tyrannical govt comes from where?

My statement changing over time.

Well, you’re not making me want a firearm less…

So in the instance that muricas army isn’t pointed at us, we’re fine, regardless of gun laws. In the instance that muricas army is pointed at us, we’re fucked, regardless of gun laws?

I thought you were using the tyrannical govt line as defense of your view lol, not the other way around

Whut, no.

What is the scenario where the tyrannical govt necessitates the use of arms to rebel, while not being hilariously hopelessly outgunned?

I told you up thread, there a 70 million gun owners owning 300 million guns. A gorilla force a fraction of that would be a formidable force.

Not to mention I would expect the military to splinter if given orders to “invade” hometown usa so to speak.

Ok, but in that scenario what did the hypothetical tyrannical government actually do to warrant an armed response from citizens? What’s the cut off line in which a fraction of those gun owners say “enough, grab yer guns and assemble”

If the experience of Russia and China has taught us anything, it’s that if you give people access to big TVs, Netflix and Starbucks they stop caring about tyranny if it doesn’t affect them personally.


Idk, it’s a hypothetical… They cut all private fiber and cat5…

The point is that America isn’t immune to tyranny and some of us would at least like a fighting chance if the need arises.

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He, or she, did not insinuate anything.

Well, it was long ago decided that it would not be well-armed. What’s an armed militia going to do about it? Not much, I guess. That’s why the Middle East is a hot spot for tourism now. 'Merica quickly exterminated that militia.

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Not at any I’ve been to, and in the past 18 years that numbers in the thousands.

Back to our regularly scheduled broadcast…

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