Varicocele is the Root Cause of BPH?

One of the members mentioned this in a post, here is the abstract

Ur thoughts on this guys ?

This was really good and I have bilateral varicocele and I also feel that I could have prostate problems if you find anymore info that could be liking these things together please post them on this thread

I am doing hcg monotherapy now and monitoring my psa if I noticed anything I will update

do you have varicocele though?

Yes I have very mild one not major they told me even if we fix it it likely won’t help but I have done small operation when I was young I am not sure but maybe this issue need to be solved earlier and if left can cause low t ? But it’s my own interpretation.
And it could fix things if I fix it now not sure still thinking about it

Yes I will be fixing mine this summer and im really hoping it helps I am going to ask my doctor to help me do a restart once I get them fixed