What is the big deal about the language? We don’t have bilingual education where I am from, so I’m not paying anything. Who really cares?

From my experiences Muslims, Jews, etc. don’t push their religion on people. Mormans do. Christians do. If I walk around on the local college campus, I see lots of Christian material hung up. I know if I hung up Satanic, or athiest material, people would get very, very, upset. Why should I get discriminated against?

I thought that America’s founding fathers were Masons, not christians? Haven’t the last 23 of 25 presidents been Freemasons?

“Conservative does not equate to Christian.”

I know, I never said it did. Sorry if it came across that way.

"There is no official U.S. language."

Was our constitution written in Arabic, German, or French? No, I know we don't have an "official language". Our founding fathers spoke english, that's the predominant language here. Just going back to the article: learn our customes, culture, and language. Adopt our way of life or go back were you came from.

"A large number of the founding fathers were Deists, not Christians."

Our country was founded on Christian values. That is evident where ever you go in this county. Not all of the founding fathers may have been Christian, but the values and ways of life instilled in this country were Christian.


Why don’t any of the official documents of the day reference Jesus? Certainly, they mention A god, but never Jesus. You can’t talk 30 seconds to most Christians without Jesus being brought up.

"Just going back to the article: learn our customes, culture, and language. Adopt our way of life or go back were you came from. "

If I don’t want to celebrate Christmas, I shouldn’t have to. If Jewish people don’t want to celebrate it either, they shouldn’t have to. Who am I hurting by not knowing the language? Everyone should obey the laws, and laws should not be changed to accommodate immigrants, i.e. the face covering. But why should immigrants have to conform to unwritten laws; are they directly hurting you? Since Indians were here first why shouldn’t we have to learn their language and customs?

Sorry Unger, but i gots to nail you here- they arent ‘Indians’ for they are not natives of India. They are ‘Native Americans’ for they are natives of America. little things like that just hurt what you are trying to say…

Sorry habit. I live within 60 miles of a reservation and we have Native Americans who also live in the town here. It is hard to keep politically correct when most of the ones I converse with refer to themselves as “Indians” as do other residents of this town.

You people are hillarious. I hope you don’t accidentally drop any more bombs on your allies when you go to invade Iraq – or did you even hear about that in the media over there?

The problem with America as I see it is that you don’t even have liberals. You have two parties. The Reactionary-Religious Republicans who are hell bent on forcing their strange breed of Christianity on all Americans (somehow it’s Christianity’s freedom to be forced on others) and the Conservative Democrats, who really are just the same plutocrats with a slight concern for the environment, and are less trigger happy.

Then there’s the green party. I’m not too sure they could be accurately placed on the political spectrum. Somewhere near the centre.

I’ve been to your country a couple of times and I can honestly say I didn’t like what I saw. The water wasn’t safe to drink, the air was full of haze and smog, the children were uneducated and had an unnatural love for violence, people were poor because they couldn’t afford health care of all things. The crime rate was insane. The first night camping in Colorado we see two men rolling a body into the river.

As for having a right to your opinion, many people seemed to forget that I, and others, had a right to our/their opinions. Everyone’s concerned with their own opinion and doesn’t take the time to really try and see things from the others’ point of view.

But I digress… The main point of my reply, before I began rambling, was this:

You don’t know Liberals. You don’t know Left-wing.

A moderately left-wing government would be taking 60% of your money for taxes if you made more than $100,000 a year.

A moderately left-wing government would have high taxes on commercial gas sales to pay for an extensive public transit system.

A moderately left-wing government would force you to be licensed to own a gun and have registered every single gun you own. Machine-guns would be illegal for the public.

In a moderately left-wing political system, learning about religion – any religion would not be a part, in any way, of the public school system.

A moderately left-wing government would have a universal, public health-care system where medical aid was given on basis of need, not ability to pay. The only legal private medical procedures would be cosmetic.

A moderately left-wing government would also have signed the Kyoto accord and treaties which allowed its own people to be sent to World Court for war crimes, instead of being kept, unpunished, within its own borders.

What you have in America is Right-wing Democrats and Ultra-Right-wing Republicans.

Then you wonder why you have all the social problems you do, and both your parties blame it on each other.

Non-American, what you’ve just described sounds like a living hell, and I’m glad our country isn’t that way. You can bitch and moan all you want about our country. There’s a reason people talk about us. There’s a reason people envy us. There’s a reason that American culture permeates nearly every country of the world. You don’t like it. Big deal. Like we give a flying fuck. Now go back to your little ideal, left-wing, socialist country, wherever that may be.

Non-American: Our economic problems occurred because Cliton’s socialist transfer of wealth. You are right about cycles but ole Billary manipulated our markets so the downturn cycle never completed in the mid 90’s; Him and his friends stole billions out of the markets. We do have many probs in this country but it still beats what comes in a distant second.

I tend to disagree. What you are saying has more to do with the size and control of the state as opposed to a traditional left and right divide. The size and control of the governments (both sovereign and world/regional i.e. U.N. E.U.) are dependent on taxes (i.e. tax rate and number of taxes) and more importantly the debasement of the currency (i.e. creation of money) to fund it. In all western countries the size and control of governments is increasing and the means to fund it are increasing.

Man, Non-american is right. I don’t know why we didn’t see it before. We should all embrace the UN like a long lost father because, we can trust them. We should just forget the fact that they violated their own rules, according to the ICC, when they arrested Slobodan Milosovic. It was just one little mistake. We should also just let the fact that the UN has such broad and generalized terms and ideas that are counted as a crime, almost to the point where if you cough near someone you are charged with a war crime, fall by the waist side. Man, I’m soooo glad that non-american set me straight. WOW. I feel so much nicer, excuse me while i put my poster of Hans Blix on my wall. Oh, if i mispelled anything, its because I am a stupid american and all this smog and stuff is clogging my brain. OOOOOOO Kyoto, If we only knew, if we only knew.

“There’s a reason people envy us.”


So ignorant.

I love my country and I believe in freedom and equality for all people. What I have read in this post has only gone to strengthen my beliefs in liberalism and the democratic party. I agree with everyting that Non-American said, except for his statement about the Koyoto Agreement. I believe that it would be used as a tool for anti-american sentiment in the non-western world (and possibly western) and american soldiers and high-ranking generals would become victims of baseless charges, which would undermine the ability of the US military to do it’s job. I do not understand how personally offended people get just because others do not share their same views on every issue. I only wish that with time, americans will learn to agree to disagree but for the time being, we must only hope that americans will take small steps toward becoming more accepting of dissenters.

Not at all ignorant. And you said nothing to refute my point. People may not come out and say it, but their actions speak much louder than words. You’re probably one of those people that bitches and moans about the US but are more than happy to reap the benefits of what we do.

Since you hate our country so much, may I ask where you’re from?

The U.S.S.R. used to be moderately left wing…People did not like it to much. China is moderately left wing…enough said. Though you do have a point we Americans tend to have an excessively inflated ego as to what our country means to people in other counties. Through my extensive travels I have learned we are way to uptight, way to concerned about what other people are doing and thinking, and most people in other countries could give a crap if we live or die.

They do, however, care a great deal about our economy and where we point our weapons, because we have alot of money and guns.

That being said, I know you are just trying to get people rialed up, and you are succeeding. We are very tense here, war does that to people. So its easy to piss people off. The problem is you don't make good points, so you just become an outlet for frusteration, which is what I suppose you want.

Non-American (AKA skinny bastard) has never touched a weight pile so why do we keep debating with his third-world opinions without any facts? Thanks for the psuedo-euro-intellectualism.

Guys I’m sorry but if you believe that every other country envies America you show a complete insularity and misunderstanding of the rest of the world. While I’m sure that many in the third world may well envy America as the land of opportunity I think you’ll find generally there is very little in the way of envy coming from developed countries.

To everyone including myself…

A very sad day when so many have forgotten what the United States originally stood for. Liberalism is destroying the fabric of this country. How can a country be united without an identity? An “all-inclusive” liberalism isn’t possible.

You can please all the people some of the time, you can please some of the people all of the time, but you can’t please all the people all of the time.

Lastly, English not the national language? Why is this even being argued at all? The consitution, schoolbooks, law books, traffic signs, city/state names, store names, and a tremendous amount of other things are written in english.

Even for reasons of practicality I ask people this: Which is more practical and reasonable? To learn 2-12(?) different languages to “please” the all-inclusive ideology or to have a single uniform language that we can help teach immigrants who wish to move here? Hopefully those who wish to not only live here but become true Americans. Those I welcome with open arms and wish them the best of luck!

However those who wish to become dwellers within our country without aspiring to become Americans I would prefer you stay where you are. Let me elaberate. Just games such as basebal land football for example have rules you must follow (and cannot be “all-inclusive”; meaning that accept everyones opinions on what rules you should or shouldn’t pass as this would lead to chaos) there are observences one follows that shows him/herself as American (however these have been slowly chipped away over time). Just with any other country?

I’m not suggesting “forcing” my relegion on any other (the term “forcing” is frequently misused implying that simply because someone may inform you about it that it’s holding a gun to your head) or anything else for that matter but there is a structure, culture, and political/cultural/moral belief system that founded this country thus creating our identity as a nation and a people.

While agreeing to let those believe what they wish should stand true I also believe that if one doesn’t like the Ten Commandments (for example) posted then too bad. Yes hold your beliefs if you wish, however dont insist our culture change to suite yours.

It’s just as impossible to create an “all-inclusive” culture as it is to create all-inclusive rules with a football game. Everything has a set of traditions, rules and guidelines. Destroy that and you haven’t much left.

You know, I really don’t get why you conservatives aren’t head-over-heels in love with the Islamic countries. They’re living your dream!

Abortion is illegal, adultery and prostitution are punishable by death, women are to remain covered and at home raising the kids, only men work, pornography is illegal, it’s okay to beat your wife, any and all ‘sexual immorality’ is dealt with incredibly harshly, the Koran is against usury and any taxes higher than 2.5%, and the death penalty is A-OK in the good ole United States of Islamica!