Upper Chest Lagging

I have been doing more TUT ( 30-40 secs + ) for all exercises. I do various forms of incline pressing and flys. Only flat bench exericise I do is db flys. I tried Gironda benches to neck but that bothered my shoulder.

My volume is around 12 sets if I train chest one day per week while it’s around 8-9 set if trained every five days.

Most sets are straights sets. Stop at failure or one rep short of failure on compound exercises. I will go to failure or do drop sets for the flys but not all the time.

Is there any techniques that may help me bring up my upper chest? Thanks.

-low inclines (don’t use 45 degrees or above)

-Proper pressing technique

-consider only doing the bottom half of ROM

-get significantly stronger in your chosen rep range(s) on incline work and overall. Get bigger.


Those are the 1st 3 that come up in the search engine when I searched “upper chest lagging”.

[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
-low inclines (don’t use 45 degrees or above)

-Proper pressing technique

-consider only doing the bottom half of ROM

-get significantly stronger in your chosen rep range(s) on incline work and overall. Get bigger.


Those are all my ‘standard’ suggestions,… change angles, squeeze shoulder blades back while pressing, 1 1/2 reps, DBs instead of BBs… You could also (if it doesn’t bother your shoulders) try a wider grip on the barbell (which I actually like), and even pre-exhaust for a while (which I also like quite a bit, being shoulder dominant myself)


Thanks for the advice. I like the idea of bottom half ROM and 1 1/2 reps techniques. Will give these a try.