Ultimate Bulking Food?

If anyone here is having trouble with their bulking diet why not try whipping up one of these? Freedieting

[quote]Bloobird wrote:
If anyone here is having trouble with their bulking diet why not try whipping up one of these? Freedieting


438 calories form oregano?

Does this seem right?

not unless hes frying it.
(1 tbsp) 5gm of Oregano = 14 cals
he used 50gm so it should be = 140 cals

I think they double counted the oil.

This is really simple.


think you might die of a heart attack by the time you’re done eating one…

Try Raw Milk Mix with Pasture Fed-Raw Cream in combo with Raw Cage Free Eggs and toss in some Organic Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil for some serious mass building calories and tons of the good animal fats your body needs (No vegans apply plz:) )

Add some beluga - make sure they are on the endangered list still - milk. Throw in the nipple, too. You might have to go to the Russian district by the docks.

On a side note…I wonder how Mariusz eats? Or, WHO does he eat?

Half the damn calories was from the gallon of canola oil.

1/4 pound of ground beef? What kind of giant sandwich only has a 1/4lb of beef? Sissies…

I make this nice meal that’s a pound of beef, 2 cups of rice, and a can of red beans. Don’t know the macro breakdown but it tastes good.

hey at least he used wheat bread!