Typical Workout and Diet

They were taken a few months before I went to see Dr. Darden. I was probably 224 lbs at the time. Ellington also measured me at 23% bodyfat. The day I went to see him I was 221 lbs. I was never 33% bodyfat.

OK. I don’t have the book, so I can’t check what numbers were posted there.

I back calculated the 33% based on the before and after weights, and the statement that someone else made about you being 11% body fat. Was that also incorrect?

I was measured as follows:
23 - 24% March 2015 (range due to various methods being used) at 224 lbs
23% Feb 2016 at 221 lbs
9% Jul 2016 at 178 lbs
11% Oct 2020 at 216 lbs

I’ve rounded all the numbers.

Thanks… The numbers you post for 2016 don’t look consistent with a 53LB fat loss and 10 lbs of muscle gain.

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NOPE…9%in the after photo? You are delusional. I do not care who took the measurements that is not true. In your avatar the belt is digging into your gut and you think you are 11%bf? You have no muscle, you just look like a fat guy how lost weight.


I’ll just say that the last set of numbers are very impressive if accurate.

216 lbs, 11% body fat, 5’10" is a fat free mass index of 27+

Generally speaking, only body builders using anabolics get above 25.


the picks up ,look like guy lost around 20lbs (no more) ,never lifting weights .

Credit to you for posting info and photos Jeff.

Perhaps Mr Darden would consider writing an article for tnation about your journey?

Thank you.