Two Years Training at 15

im turning 15 june 18
been training 2 years 10% bf im 6 even and weigh 155
tell me what you think and sry about the damn mirror pics my good camera broke

side veiw on a ful stomach lol



front veiw


horrible pose for the back, lol.

Props because you’re 15.

Start eating a shit-ton.

Prepare for some 1’s and 2’s because “you aren’t huuuge”

For your age, I’ll give you a 5. You need to throw some major mass on.

What’s your current diet and training like?

[quote]kayveeay wrote:
horrible pose for the back, lol.

Props because you’re 15.

Start eating a shit-ton.

Prepare for some 1’s and 2’s because “you aren’t huuuge”

For your age, I’ll give you a 5. You need to throw some major mass on.

What’s your current diet and training like?


If he’s a 5, then I’m a 9 minimum. LOL

OP: you got to work to do. But it’s good to see you here at a young age. Read, learn, eat, train, grow.

don’t be afraid to lose that flat stomach if you want to grow, you gotta eat like a motha F, do not get disheartened and stop if you see a bit of fat apperaing on your midrift, its all part of the game, too many young kids fall for this ‘clean bulk’ BS and never grow because they are scared to actually put on weight.

I would also get help with your workouts as I see nothing that signifies anywhere near 2 years work regardless of your age.

Keep training. And make sure youre gaining weight and getting stronger on EVERY lift.

Yep… EAT EAT EAT, lift heavy

Don’t settle for this teen idiology of the " abercrombie and Finch " queer look most teens go for these days :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep at it my young friend. You’re headed in the right direction just keep learning and lifting.


[quote]LOBO69 wrote:
Yep… EAT EAT EAT, lift heavy

Don’t settle for this teen idiology of the " abercrombie and Finch " queer look most teens go for these days :P[/quote]

good post

[quote]kayveeay wrote:
horrible pose for the back, lol.

Props because you’re 15.

Start eating a shit-ton.

Prepare for some 1’s and 2’s because “you aren’t huuuge”

For your age, I’ll give you a 5. You need to throw some major mass on.

What’s your current diet and training like?


i eat about 4,500 cals a day i do eat a shit load haha
umm my training lets see
paralell squats 5 sets, reps go 10:200 8:210 6:215 4:225 2:255
benchpress 5 sets 8:145 5:155 2:170 2:175 2:175
dead lift 5:300 4:320 3:345 2:350 1: 350
then i do bi’s and tri’s and whhat not

Tuesdays i do core and cardio
i take a 3 mile jog or 30 mins of jogging , sprints w/ parachute then 3x400’s
then i do incline situps with med ball
varios stability excercises trunk lifts etc…


power cleans 6x5:175 5:180 5:185 3:185 2:195 1:200
deadlifts:3x 3: 350 3:350 3:355
then im pooped after that

thursdays are the same as tuesdays fridays are same as mondays saturdays are off sundays are same as monday only lighter weights

You have almost no appreciable muscle on your body. Keep eating big and working out smart. Use the forums around here to learn and ask questions. In a couple of years update us with your progress. There’s no physique here to rate yet.

May need to up your calories more if you’re just maintaining weight.

You sure some of those numbers aren’t inflated a lil bit? Cause honestly it doesn’t look like you have enough ass on your body.

You have a decent look so just add to it. At your age I’d be more worried about having solid form than a rating from this site. If you have your form ironed out, you eat right and lift consistently you should gain quite a bit through puberty.

ok ok so eat a shitload any other pointers?
oh ive been struggling with my benchpress is there anyone who can help there?

[quote]flashnumba14 wrote:
ok ok so eat a shitload any other pointers?
oh ive been struggling with my benchpress is there anyone who can help there?[/quote]

no way you eat 4500 calories every day consistently … I say no way.

post all your exact meals, and macro breakdown of each meal as a start to see where to start.

I also doubt that you are eating 4500 calories daily and with consistency. Please show us a sample diet.

If that’s really the amount you’re eating then it seems it’s still not enough. So you either increase it slowly over the weeks or maybe cut back some cardio.